Judah smiling after the nurse told us he's on the mend. (OK, it's the last of ten or more photos where I was egging him on to strike a pose for the camera.) He's holding a pitcher of ice-chips, one of his few salvations. Mom says he' still crabby as hell and doesn't like his new room. They moved him out of isolation today, and the blood count is up to 2500-ish. Masks are still required, but not gloves.

View of the isolation room. Staff, doctors and visitors enter through the door on the right, where you wash hands and put on a mask.

View of the City of Hope grounds facing north. Mom says having a beautiful setting to walk around makes all the difference in the world. If you've been to the Getty here in LA, you can understand the relief that comes from wandering in and out of buildings through gardens and waterfalls. As opposed to entering a building and staying inside for the rest of the day, like The Met or say USC hospital.
Hi Judah,
Wonderful news. Another step forward! Soon your steps will turn into leaps.
Love, Aunt Marsha
Good to see you with the smile on your face. KEEP SMILING.
Cousins Dottie & Howard
Good to see you with the smile on your face. KEEP SMILING.
Cousins Dottie & Howard
Judah, I'm SO happy to hear about your progress. Just keep it up and get better soon. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Judah -
Crabby or not, you look great! Keep hanging in there. Hoping you're up for a visit soon.
- Mara B
p.s. Tell your family thanks for the Getty plug. Attendance is down a bit and I can use any help I can to get more people up there!
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