Judah with Chanukah Candles age 3
Judah always loved the Holidays,

He never mentioned a preference for one holiday over another. He enjoyed them all with his heart and soul. Judah would always make a pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. I still have some of his spices. Judah loved to celebrate with all his friends and family. If any one has photos to share please send them to me. (ivorytrust@aol.com)
The missing continues, as it always will. We rely on memories and Judah stories.
With love to all for a meaningful holiday season.
the wondrous look, the intensity and curiosity, the traits of the future child, all there in that little picture. I share in your memories and longing, much love, Rachel
I never knew Judah made pumpkin pie!!! It can't be pareve, though, because it's got cream in it! oh, but he could have used non-dairy creamer. I've never even seen him cook before. Most of our meals together were in the noon conference room or the cafeteria, but we talked about good food all the time. ALL the time. i survived my first semester of school. everytime i find out that i again miraculously passed a class or an exam, i get a little bitter because judah's the friend on the "outside" of school who is in on this with me. school is really interesting because most of my classmates are almost a decade younger than me. Martha reminded me how his classmates called Judah 'old man'. it's an odd coincidence to me that my classmates call me 'momma.' i forget how old i am all the time. it's strange how Judah is frozen in age, and i keep thinking i am catching up to him. i also keep thinking that if i keep hoping, he'll come back.
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