Judah New and Improving
Judah has shown amazing resolve in the face of unimaginable pain and discomfort the past few weeks. I hope that he will not remember the worst of it. His progress is heartening. His blood cell count continues to rise as do his platelets. His overall demeanor is returning to a more normal state. He still tires easily, but he carries on lengthy conversations about all kinds of things. He is interested in current events. He still suffers bouts of extreme pain, but his body seems to be mending quickly. He loves to listen to the responses people are leaving on the blog. Please continue to send your thoughts to him.
Hopefully soon he will be home with us.
J -
Good to hear the news. When I saw you were crabby I thought that was a good sign - afterall....
We missed you today as we had a few folks over for a BBQ - can't wait til your home and we can bring Zoe over to go swimming. She just learned to splash and loves it.
I am glad to report this weekend went by with no crisis - no stones, no bees. My folks are reading your blog and wish you their best (so does my grandmother). Take care and keep up the fight,
- The Nemetzs
Hey hey, Judah White. If Judah "crabby" is anything like Judah "crotchety" or Judah "curmudgeonly" I have a fair idea of what's goin' on out there in Duarte. Hope you're having a few good popsicles, buddy boy. Hope you hear some sweet Del Amitri tunes in your head. The H.A. and I spoke today - he's SO looking forward to seeing you. Lailah tov.
Great news Judah,
Does that mean we can count on you for hiking next week? In the worst case, we can replace you with Havi in the carrier.
Malibu Creek was amazing today. I called your cell from there (hoping the sound of the water will cheer you up) but it seems you are still boycotting wireless calls, probably because you are afraid of viruses . Well install a firewall on your end, and I promise to put a mask on my end.
Most of love from all of us
Anything you want me to bring from Colorado?
Looking forward to seeing you. As Lisa intimiated, your being a bit crabby will feel just like old times! :)
I bought a home studio recorder. I think you'll enjoy tinkering with it once you finally can get out here.
Can't wait to see you!
-- Josh
Dear Judah,
I'm glad to hear you are out of isolation and the WBC are raising.
I think of you often. I prey all this will soon be behind you and a whole new healthy life in front of you.
Awesome News on a Monday Morning,
I am so happy now if I can only open escrow today this would be the Best Monday a gal can have.
Judah I can't wait to see you, the picture on the site brings a smile to me face. I am so stoked...
YEAH WBC!!!! See being a white does a body good :)
Much love,
Bobbi and I are pleased to hear that you are doing better. We want to see you when you are up to seeing us.
Bobbi and Larry spent the weekend with Mike and his wife Ruth up near Lake Isabella. They brought Blake with them and everyone had a good time. Their daschund kept barking and snapping at Blake. He did what any smart dog would do... he ran upstairs!
Bobbi and I are going on a two day cruise to nowhere... a place we have often visited in the past!
We love you very much and we pray for you and send healing thoughts to you all the time.
Get well soon!
Love, Linda and Bobbi
Hey Judah!
I have been following your progress through Lisa over the months while I have been away (I was working on a cruise ship as an acupuncturist! finally licensed!) I just got the link for this blog and am so happy to hear how well you are progressing! Great news!
I think about you often and hold very good thoughts for you. You are a serious trooper. Keep up the good fight!!!
Cindy Rosenberg
Judah -
We missed you at the splashing of the naked babes in the giant dinosaur pool at the Nemetz BBQ. Or did you miss Richard and David (with some help from Mike) blowing the pool up with all their hot air?
We could have made some bets on who would've passed out first.
Take care,
-- Sheryl
Judes: I'm relieved to hear you're doing better. I had no idea about this site until Rina just told me. I think about you all the time, even though I don't talk to you very much lately. Our thoughts are with you. I hope you and Martha got the pictures of the kids, and they made you smile. I'll keep writing to you.
Love, Monster
Judah- how awesome is this site!I think about you all the time and it's so great to be able to get these progress reports, and even better that things are really starting to sound good...I showed my girls your "thumbs up" picture last week and now they wake up
EVERY morning asking if my "college friend Judah" is feeling better- I'm coming in NOvember and am expecting another Coffee bean rendezvous!!Keep getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!
love - adina(aka edna from "Joisey") and the fam
Dear Judah -
Saw this picture on your blogsite of someone sitting up in bed - Why would you put up a picture of Susan Powter?
Hope you are feeling better.
Uncle Robby
Happy to hear the good news. Great to see you last week and have a chance to catch up. Looking forward to having you home so you can meet and play with Sam.
Take care and we're thinking of you.
The Wozs
hi there,
have been away from the blog for a few days - packing, moving, starting a new job, etc. i'm sooooo glad to hear/see/read how you are doing. you are incredible. love, tamar
Go Judah! Keep those WBC's and platelets coming!
Love, Karen & Jared
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