Sunday, June 19, 2005


Benji bought a ten pack CD of "nature sounds." Birds, whales, rain forest, waves etc. Today the birds were on and I got to tell makes a difference.

Judah looks puffier. His eyes and lips are bloated from water retention. The eyes look punched out. Water build-up is squeezing the capillaries and causing bruising on his face, especially around the eyes.

Mom just tried to turn on the TV to watch Ms. Marple and she called the nurse by mistake.

The word on Judah's progress is he is on track. He's right where they expected him to be. I count nine different IV drips on the pole and two medicinal patches on his body. He hasn't had solid food in over a week. He winces and exhales a lot. Hiccups are brutal and frequent. His movements are stunted and shakey. He's working so hard to stay patient and calm.


At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

I am here rooting for you and for a speedier recovery. I will continue to do this from Israel. I leave on Wednesday and will return on July 4th.
I love you and think a lot about you.
Thank you for starting this blog, it sure keeps me posted without having to disturb Martha constantly.
Rachel Zevit

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,
I hope you have woken up today feeling better than yesterday. My thoughts are with you and the family for a speedy recovery. Issy, Benji and Martha - you guys are amazing. It was a great idea to start this blog. Much love, Joanne Bressler (f/k/a Nach).

At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Judah.

This is Josh's Cousin, Yvonne. But, then you'd probably know who I am even if I just said, "Yvonne." Right?!

Well, I've been thinking about how much of a hard time this is for you and then I thought about all of the memories we've shared.

Do you remember when we played "spin the bottle" - I think in 6th grade and we were at Johnny Silverman's house and we had to kiss underwater!!! That was such a BIG DEAL!!! Remember?

Then, I was thinking about when Josh's father passed suddenly and there was the Shiva. I walked down the hallway into the dining at Josh's house and the room was full of people and I saw you and caught your eye -- you looked at me and I looked at nodded your head and I nodded mine back. There was a definite understanding of the gravity of the situation and the love that we all shared going through it.

Then, there was my trip to Israel to visit Josh and your great welcoming letting us stay with you in Tel Aviv. We (you, Josh and I) walked from your apartment to a cool restaurant and had some drinks and food. Then, afterward (or before, who remembers?) you took that great picture of me and Josh in your living room which became the J-Date picture I used to get and marry that freak I should NOT have married (that makes that marriage mistake ALL your fault, you know)....!

Then, there was the stem cell donation at your and your mom's house. When it was time for me to leave, I came to kiss you good night and you were sitting on a chair at the kitchen table. I gave you a kiss on the cheek and told you somehting to the effect that I know you are trying very hard -- you looked up at me and I very significantly noticed you look up over and above your glasses at me with your striking blue eyes and told me that you are "fighting with everything you have." Then you continued to look at me -- a stare of strength. I thought to myself, "You are my hero." And, Judah, you are... You are my hero and always will be the most true symbol of strength I've ever encountered. You'll make it. I know that for sure. Why? Because you care so much.

All my love to you -- as you are a lovely and super strong man. Superman should know that he has someone to contend with!!!


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