City of Hope Address
ZZ requested City of Hope address:
1500 E Duarte Road
Duarte, CA 91010
626 256 4673 (hope) General number
626 301 8386 Blood Donor Center
e mail address: Personal address,
Currently Judah is in the ICU, but any mail addressed to him does find its way to his room.
Judah has required daily infusions of blood and platelets. If you are coming for a visit and can donate blood or platelets it would help replenish the supplies that have been used. The City of Hope has its own blood bank and is not part of any other collection agency. Call 626 301 8820 to set up an appointment. If you do want to donate blood/platelets and are out of town, it still would be a Mitzvah (Good Deed) to donate to another blood bank.
General blood /platelet information:
Blood can only be stored for 28 days, platelets a bit longer.
Blood donations usually take an hour, platelet donations apx 2 and half hours.
To qualify as a donor:
Be over 17 years of age
Weigh at least 110 pounds (not my problem)
Be in general good health
Not taking antibiotics
No history of cancers (except basal cell)
No risk of hepatitis exposure
No risk of HIV exposure
Have not spent more than three months in United Kingdom from 1980 -1996
Have not spent more than five years in Europe since 1980
The telephone intake person will ask additional medical questions to determine eligibility. At this point in my life and I assume most of my friends we all have had something that disqualifies us. So, in advance, The White's say, once again, Thank You for being there and supporting Judah on this unbelievable journey.
This would be a wonderful birthday gift for Judah.
You can go to the City of Hope web site for more details
Shalom from HUMID Atlanta. Thinking of you and praying. Shabbat shalom, love, Rachel
Hey there, Judah White y familia. I would LOVE to give platelets. I've done it before, so you bloggers out there, know that it's very simple and you feel even less "depleted" after donating because you get a portion of your own blood back. They take yours out, spin it to remove the platelets, and the rest goes back in (along with an anti-coagulant that, the time I did it, tasted faintly of butterscotch). Very cool. Do it!
I'm off to the woods for a week - no phone, no computer, no nothin', just reading and hiking and relaxing. It'll be hard to be out of touch with JDW for so long, but I'll have a novel's worth of blog to read upon my return. Judah White, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. The HA has been instructed to give you a b-day kiss from me. See you when I get back, buddy boy.
For those who can it is a wonderful experience to give blood (and therefore Life- seven anonymous donors with rare blood type saved Barry's life and we will be forever grateful to them. My father donated over 120 units of blood and I feel as tho' he built up credit for his grandson!)
One addition strike against you - if you have been to Africa recently
Love Stella and Les
Dr. White, honey,
It is time for me to light candles. It doesn't seem possible to more or harder, but I know that prayers for your return to health are stronger on Shabbat. When you are well we will reminisce about those Shabbot in England, when you were just a lad. A very religious lad, as I recall.
Much love and my hope is that after his Shabbat you will wake, stronger and on the good road recovery.
Shabbat Shalom and love from Mrs. C and the Doctor
I can't donate platelets (melanoma several years ago) but I can sing shalom aleichem with judah in mind and wish you all a shabbat shalom that will bring additional healing along with the angels. happy birthday to judah and a peaceful shabbat to all.
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