Rancho Park
I took a walk to the Park in the crisp blue night air. The towers in Century City were stood out against the dark sky. The Marriot building with its distinctive architecture shown like a peacock strutting with its chest out. The baseball diamonds were empty to night. Monty ran the bases instead of the Desperado's. Seymour and I loved to go watch the games. Judah commented that he was probably the oldest player to have his parents sit in the bleachers and root for his baseball team. Seymour loved it when Judah lobed a long drive to second. There were times when Judah would foul out and then out of no where come to the plate with a gracefulness that was beautiful to watch. The Desperados lived up to their name and I think had the distinction of never leaving last place.
Every time I go to the Park, I see Mike , Dave, Mara, Dave K and Judah laughing and just have a grand old time on the field. I wish I had some photos of those days. Every once in a while I stumble across a soft ball left over from a game. I have the soft ball that all of you signed for Judah when he was in the hospital.
I get news about his friends, new marriages, some babies, new jobs. Its good. Tell me more about yourselves.
Monty, like Judah ran hard to night, and has settled in for a nap prior to going to sleep for the night.
I loved playing softball with Judah and have two favorite memories. The first is whenever he hit a line drive and ran to first and/or second, he would always have a limp. The funny thing was, the limping leg would always change each inning! Second, there was a time when we were playing and Martha you were there, and a guy on the other team got hurt. Judah started walking over slowly to help. Someone commented that he should move faster and you said, "well yes, he's a doctor, but he's a lawyer too."
Fun times.
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