August 19, 29 of Av 2009
It will be four years since we heard Judah laugh and saw his smile. I talk about him, almost in the present every day. Next week Roni will be here to visit, and I see them in the kitchen, she calling him Judes, and he calling her Roni ....
Roni came, Dave and Stacey, Zoe and Jack Judah, Amy C with Beans, Rina C, Mike L, came to spend a morning. Stephanie came this week, with pictures taken when Judah was in College. He was so full of vitality. To night is his Yarzheit, I will light the candle go to Temple say kaddish and visit his grave. I notice new stones every once in a while and I know someone came to visit.
I look at pictures of the new babies and know that he would delight in all of them. There are several who carry his name. Danny, for Daniel Judah's middle name, is a handsome boy almost four and very artistically talented. Jack Judah, a sweet almost two year old, Grayden Yehudaha great nephew one half of the twins, seems to have a lot of imp in him at 7 months and Casey Yehudah, who likes to nap a lot, cousin.
A friend also contacted me to say he might be a match for a stem cell transplant, and hopes that he might do so in Judah's memory.
I know that there are many people still reading the blog. Stephanie reconnected through Google, and the blog. She lives abroad, and I would see that some one from Europe was reading the blog. Now I know who it is. I will continue to write as long as there is interest. This helps keep Judah in the present. As time is going by many items such as Judah's computers are becoming obsolete. I am taking off the data and will recycle it, and I had to toss out the dvd players as they are so outdated they don't take new discs. Each time I let something out of the house a small piece of me says hold on, an other piece says, Mom, its okay to let it go.
I talk to Judah all the time, I hope he knows it. Alissa Benji and I feel the emptyness, its a part that we carry with us as we go on with every day.
In October Ezekiehl will come from Tanzania to work at Huntington Hospital and we will get an opportunity to host him, and show him photos of Judah.
One thing doesn't grow old, get outdated, wear out or go stale, that is love for Judah. Its always front and center.
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Thanks for posting Martha. I check the blog regularly for your updates. I was thinking of you this morning. I was heading out the door to Palm Springs for the annual teachers' union conference. Last year at this time, I think Judah's birthday fell on Friday, so I stopped by your house on the way here and we talked and had tea. Please do keep the blog going. It is always good to hear from you. As much as life goes on, Judah is often on my mind and always in my heart. Take care.
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