Wednesday, August 17, 2005

For Early Birds

Judah is having a good night. His Respiration Therapist has managed to keep his oxygen levels low and his saturation high. He looks good as we are getting ready to send him in for surgery this morning. His nurse, Meiling has given him all sorts of platelets, and medicines in preperation for the procedure and they seem to do him good.


At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah -

Wishing you an easy surgery, and like Ben has said, no one wants a hole in their neck, but it will be much more comfortable than being intubated.

Perhaps with a lessening of the pain, your doctors can ease up on the sedation and you can type your own blog entries.

Keep on getting better.

Love, Uncle Robby

At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. White, honey,
Our prayers are with you as you undergo another procedure. Love, Mrs. C. and the Doctor

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goood Morning Judah, Martha, Issy and Benjy.

It is 9:15 AM here in Old Chatham, NY, and, hopefully, the surgery is over and Judah is resting comfortably. We eagerly await your next entry. We've been away from the blog for just one day and so much has happened!!! The news sounds good and we take comfort in that.

Martha, what can I say to my little cousin on achieving her Doctorate at such a wonderful place? Over the years I have come to add growing respect for your accomplishments and strength to the love that has always been there. This is realy exciting and I hope we can be in LA for the festivities!! After all those years of hearing about your adventures at Rambamb amd Flatbush, this is great ne4ws indeed. Wait until Melvin hears about this! I will write him now. George says welcome to the club. Nobody deserves it more.

Libby is coming for the weekend and will participate in the Dedication of our hew Synagogue building. Be assured that among the first prayers to be said in that sacred space will be a Mishabeyrach for Judah and a Shehechyanu for Dr. Monm.
Love to you all.
janet and George

At 8:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martha, mazel tov on your honorary degree. I can't wait to see pics with you and cap and gown and all of the Whites in tow!

Second, got to share this funny story with you. Last night, I was invited to a friend's 45th b.d. As I'm searching for a cold beer, somebody grabs me and pulls me into a Maariv minyan. Now, I usually wait till after dark to say Maariv but any chance to say a couple for the Mac is a welcome opportunity. So after asking Hashem to heal the Mac, I grabbed a Corona and toasted to YDBM getting better. --Joe

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. Hope the surgery went smoothly and that you're resting comfortably.

Congrats to the newest White to be bestowed the title Dr. and thanks as always to all of you for keeping this blog current, it is truly appreciated.


At 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wishing Judah all the best as he takes one more step in his healing process.
Michelle, David and Hillary


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