Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Judah's really having a rough time. There have been some fundamental changes in his condition over the past few days which are causing serious concern. He has having a hard time keeping his oxygenation levels normal despite very high levels of O2 concentration. As Mom mentioned, there have been two chest tubes inserted in an effort to draw off fluids and air. His CT scan was not encouraging either. He is enduring a fever as well as consistent acidosis.
These are the bad signs. There are some hopeful signs as well, but they seem slighltly less impressive in the face of so much adversity. We are remaining hopeful that things could change in a positive direction just as quickly as they changed in a southward way.
In the meantime, some Good Samaritan has come to play the harp (of all things!) for the patients in the middle of the ICU. I bet some of the lightly sedated patients think they are approaching the Pearly Gates to the serenades of the cherubim.
Will know more after our meeting with Judah's doctors later today.


At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about the diificulties Judah's having right now. Hopefully this is a temporary setback. He is in our prayers.
Lisa and Gary Lainer

At 1:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Whites -

I am still a believer in two steps forward one step back.

If there was anything that the physicians promised us about the transplant process, it is that there are going to be setbacks and complications.

I have got faith in Judah and faith in those that care and minister to his needs that he will be okay.

Hang in there.

Love, Uncle Robby

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Mac, rally! Make my prayers come true.


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