Just thought I'd keep you in the loop. OR was to have come by 8:15 its now 8:30 and no OR. that is typical as one can't rush or predict OR schedules closely. I will write when Judah comes back into the room.
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. I have just played several versions of the Mesheberach prayer for Judah. Craig Taubman, Debbie Friedman, and my own off key, not accurate version. All choruses are welcome.
Marth, we anxiously wait with you.
Love, Marsha
Singing Mesheberach here in my office in Chicago. We await your next post and so appreciate you thinking of us bloggers in the middle of everything going on there.
Jill Franklin
Judah Daniel yakar,
We are with you in thoughts, prayers, and feelings. May this new procedure bring you the much needed relief and help you on your way to recovery. Amen selah.
much love, the Zevits
judah, martha, benji and issi,
i'm thinking of you. maybe judah's in surgery right now? lots of love, tamar
We will be thinking/praying of all of you during Judah's procedure. So happy that Jud is seems to be a little bit stronger.
Amy and Dvir
singing m'she'bayrach (debbie friedman version) here in Palo Alto and imagining a quick and precisely placed trach tube so Judah will be more comfortable....and perhaps receive less sedation. You are all more than medical miracles. Keep up the incredible work---you are nothing short of stupendous!!!
p.s. mazal tov to Martha....
With you.
Without words,
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