Friday, December 15, 2006


On Monday of this week, our devoted dog Pixie passed away. She was fourteen and a half years old. She came to us a five week old puppy full of personality and character. A better buddy there isn't. She loved unconditionally and took care of every one. When Seymour took ill she became his companion, barking away any one who might even think of intruding upon our home. When Judah moved back to Forrester drive she was at his side, even climbing the stairs to visit with him as he sat on the brown couch, which formerly had been Pixie's domain.

Judah nick named her Stinkus dogus for her aroma, and Hoover for her habit of picking up any food scraps dropped during a meal. Her other names were Pixilated for the way she chased her tail. I am sure the squirrel and crows had different names for her. The mail man and UPS drivers would throw their parcels on the porch rather than meet up with Pixie.

Many of you encountered her when you visited and soon realized that she was doing her job of protecting her family. As soon as she welcomed you into the household she extended that courtesy to you as well.

Its been a difficult loss, bringing back memories of lossing Seymour on Dec 27th 2003, and of Judah on Sept 3 2005. I will add her date to the yarzheit list.

I am sure she is with them both, running in circles, barking, wagging her tail and waiting at the door for me.



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