Sunday, February 10, 2008

Moving Furniture around

Today, I moved a bit of furniture around the house. This entailed looking into every drawer and looking into each file folder. Of course, all of Judah's memories are filed in neat little yellow files, with his microscript labeling the topics. Each piece of paper brought him closer into the room, Notes on his medical materials, interspersed with his sketches of faces, notes to Mike for baseball leagues, checks to Dave, notes to disability insurance, notes from the hospital, dates of first diagnosis, photos graduation from Sackler, graduation from High School, letters to and from friends, photos of Berkeley Graduation, receipts from restaurants, coins from foreign countries, telephone numbers.

Old photo magazines, video games, dungeons and dragons materials, get well cards, notes on how to reorganize an NICU, letters for admission to schools, medical school exams, diplomas, baseballs, pens, colored pencils, pennies, lots of pennies.

So much to reconstruct Judah with . So much to remember.

So much promise, so much a mensch, so much missed.


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