Coping Strategy

Judah is resting, the night shift has settled in, all his medicines are on board, his visitors have left, and I have a few minutes to write to you.
Many people ask how are we managing, and I would like to give you an insight to the White household's psyche.
Creative people have the most interesting coping strategies. Benji took over for Judah in the nap department. Grandpa enjoys the visits from all the Judah's female friends. Alissa has become the family card shark. She beat Grandpa in Gin Rummy. And I am enjoying my new hobby as Mom Arbis.
Love to all,
Hi Martha,
I'm off to bed myself, but just wanted to check in one last time and say hi. Hi.
Iss, you'll have to join the penny poker game I want to get going.
Issy, the Meltzer twins would be proud. My grandmother taught me every card game I know.
For the other Wolfs/Whites, we are with you always.
-- Erika & Amihai
Dear Mom Arbis,
Great to see you blogging.
Judah is going to teach me how to "do" poker.
We did disturb Benji's nap on Sunday. And of course, Grandpa Abe is absolutely charming!!!
We love you , Suzanne
Hey Y'all,
I'm sending Judah a recorded letter tomorrow. Hopefully you'll get it by early next week. 3rd floor ICU, right?
Speaking of great brisket, does Jacob know about Judah and the blog? We were all at Hillel together.
Get some rest, and give the old guy (Judah) my love.
Looking forward to seeing y'all around Judah's b-day on the 22nd.
Talk soon,
-- Josh
Hi Martha - You seem to be doing the night shift tonight - I enjoyed your description of the Whites - sounds pretty calm and peaceful - good to hear that
I thought the scores were Scrabble - didn't know what a successful gambler Issy is. My granny taught us all Rummy and Canasta and we used to play with her for hours
Give Judah a kiss from us. Will check in again in the morning
Love, Stella and Les
Dear Martha, Judah, Lissy and Benjie,
We read every day the blog that you are writing about Judah's health
We hope and pray to hear good news from you. We apriciate very much the way you all stay together, it is very important for all of you.
Martha you have to take care of yourself, you have to be strong and healthy.
Best wishes to all of you,
Yours with love,
Cipora, Baruch and the family.
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