Thursday, August 11, 2005

Media Cental

Judah has had an uneventful day and early evening so far. Dialysis gives him some relief by removing fluid thereby allowing his lungs to "dry out". Blog central is also media central. Eli and Yotan recorded Zimiros, Josh K graced a CD with his guitar virtuouso, Rebecca A, and Sarah S created drawings worthy of framing. Judah has a lot of thank you's to write. To those of you still waiting for his Bar Mitzvah thank you's please be advised , the check is in the mail.

Alissa will spend the night, I will go to the Hotel, and Benji has Pixie Patrol.

Good night all.


At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the Whites
Wishing you a quiet and peaceful night - sleep well
Stella and Les

At 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah, Martha and the White
family - as we gathered at
Le Merigot in Santa Monica today,
we sent our positive thoughts and prayers in unison. We missed
you Martha.
Wendy Y

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah, Martha, Issi & Ben -

Boker tov.

Love, Uncle Robby

At 7:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who is more coherent in the morning, Mac or me. I roll into shachris with cobwebs in my head but its amazing how quickly I'm able to focus with Judah on my mind. Let's make this a GREAT shabbos. Get better MAC! --Joe

At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am anxious each day that I cannot get to the internet to see the blog. I find it comforting to read it. Judah, make sure the news keeps coming.

We have reached Provincetown (our first time at the Cape)after a few days with Janet and George. We plan to tour the dunes and hopefully see some whales.

The trip so far has been wonderful. As Suzette describes it: "40 days, 40 nights, 40 pounds."

Love, Suzette and Bert

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saw Pixie last night. She was very welcoming, licking and barking, twirling (albeit very slowly), and offering her hide to be tickled. I obliged. When we said good-bye to her, she assumed her position in front of the door, waiting for a White to come by.
Have a shabbat shalom, with think of you with love.
Rachel and Ziony


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