Evening in Duarte,
Night falls silently in Duarte. Tall trees reach into the multihued sky. A crescent moon rises accompanied by the planets. Its 9.27 pm. the shift has changed. Jay, who has been his nurse for the last three days, went off shift at 8 pm. He has helped Judah through some rough spots. Evening means a bath, review of medicines, discussion with Benji as to which one of us will stay and who will go to Hotel. Alissa is still on grandpa duty. Abe is leaving in the morning for the North Country- the adirondack mountains- where he has a home. He drew "a Plant of Loving Hearts" on the bulletin board.

As I sit in front of the keyboard and blog central, I think of the last few days. Judah's medical condition is serious, lots of consultations with his medical team, reading lab reports, and hanging on .01 % changes in lab values, lots of consults with Les Strick , Murray Epstein, Ralph Carmel, Les Eber, lots of love from all the bloggers, and lots of good food. Judy E. set the stage, Stella's cookies have helped lift the spirits (although Grandpa requested rum balls, 200% proof) Hilda's chicken, Rachel's Morrocan fish balls, Andrea's pita sandwhiches, and Gay's kebabs have set the standard for "hospital food" to soaring heights. Too bad the patients and their families have to make do with the daily offerings of The Bistro downstairs which specializes in Cream of Turkey soup. Daily. Dave and Stacie and Lisa K stocked the hotel room as well.
I hear the steady HUH HUH HUH of the ventilator and I am brought back to reality. Laurie Gross the artist created pocket blessing from hand woven cloth. One of the blessings reads
"every breath is healing".
Good Night
It's early AM over here in NY and am doing my morning blog check before leaving for work. Wishing you guys a good day...
LOve, Abby C
Dear Martha -
Good Morning! I hope that after such a beautiful moon-rise, all of you had a good night's sleep.
When my kids were little and it was time to tuck them into bed, I would tell them to dream about the moon and the stars. I trust Judah dreamt about the moon and the stars, too.
Have a great day,
Love, Robby
Dear Martha etal,
I am off to work and wanted to check the blog before I left. I only hope the day goes as beautifully and your discription of the rising moon over 605.
My love, hopes and thoughts are with you all.
Hope the day brings hope, improved lab values, and positive thoughts. Have tossed and turned since 3 a.m. with thoughts of Judah's recovery, and wish you all a day of sunshine.
Good food brings good healing :-)!
Love to all,
Dear Judah,
I just woke and watched the amazing sight of the shuttle Discovery blaze through the sky over California. I thought of you also having to fix some of the mechanisms and then coming in, correcting course and landing on your feet. The Discovery landed not far from you. I hope that you felt them streaking across the sky.
Love Libby
Dear Judah, Martha, Benji and Issy,
On Friday I went to the Oracle at Delphi, Staten Island. What a commotion was going on. The Meltzer twins were in an uproar. I know that there is power in prayer and I am praying but I think something else powerful is going on. The Meltzer twins are really giving it to the Almighty for His screw-up. I think that the Almighty is having a hard time withstanding their anger. Who of us could? Do you remember what it was like? First of all there is the stance: feet slightly apart and/or hands on hips or a wagging finger. But the worst of course was those blue eyes going steely cold and the tone taking on that icy chill. And of course there is the threat that they will never forget or forgive. As Grandpa Abe says: With them there was no statute of limitations. So Judah, we are all praying, but let’s not forget the power of the Meltzer twins. They are fighting for you and I hope you can feel it and gain strength from them and from all of us.
Love, Libby
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