First Light
At 5am one of Judah's IV alarms went off. Nothing unusual. They are in constant need of attention. He usually has six or so medicines and fluids dripping into him at once. One of his nurses refers to the hanging IV bags as Christmas tree ornaments.
His signs on his machines look reasonably better than yesterday. His pulse rate is slightly higher than last night's but it is lower than it had been. His oxygen levels were reduced overnight to under 50% and his saturation levels are holding steady at around 93.
The only thing that concerns me is that his chest doesn't seem to be rising and falling quite as much as I remember it usually does. His nurse doesn't see a change. I'm hoping that a) I'm imagining it, and b) perhaps the volume or pressure from the ventilator has been lowered.

Good morning--Just checking in as always... Love, Abby C.
Dear Whites,
We really appreciate the updated news and comments on Judah and his beautiful family.
You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
We love you, The Schweitzers
Dear Whites;
Thanks for all the updates, Bless all of you, get that ship upright and sailing!
Much Love to all:
Ludwig - Louise
we're all rowing,
We are all praying for all of you.
Arnold and shirley Mark
A group blogger light house is illuminating the path for HMS Judah to sail out of the darkness and into the light of good health, and homeward bound :-)!!!
Big hugs to everyone,
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