Saturday, August 06, 2005

More Reasons to Hope

There's so much information to process. The endocrinologists always come in threes. They sit outside the room, glancing in occasionally and they argue and discuss like Talmudic scholars until they all break out in smiles and agreement. Next thing we know, they are gone and Jay, Judah's nurse, is adding 10 cc's more of this to 2 litres less of that.
Dr. Les Stricke and Stella came again today. Stella brought more homemade cookies for Judah (and by Judah, I mean Benji). Dr. Stricke reviewed Judah's chart and again gave us reason to keep up our hope. There is no denying that Judah is in a difficult position, but there are still possibilities of recovery. There may be some difficult-to-endure procedures ahead, but, as Dr. Stricke says, Good stories of recovery come from difficult situations.
Meanwhile, the nursing has been great, the doctoring has been compassionate and the food has been free flowing. The mood is still somber but maybe now we will give ourselves permission to lighten up.


At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm going with the "still possibilities of recovery." If anyone is tough enough to get through this, it's Judah. Sending hopeful positive thoughts your way. Much love, Ilene.

At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah, Judah. Even before this ordeal, you set an impossibly high standard for faith, courage and gumption. The word "paradigm" comes to mind. We hang on to every microbit of good news and cheer and pray.
Much love to you and your 24/7 support system, including the Talmudic scholars disguised in white coats and stethoscopes.

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spent this morning looking out at Saddle Peak Rock from a beautiful winery in Malibu, and thought a lot about all of you. Surrounded by beauty and tranquility, many hopeful and healing thoughts went out to Judah. Hope there continues to be more positive signs that Judah can conquer these tough times!
Love and strength to all of you,

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah, I spoke with your mom today and although things are not going well we all truly hope and pray that a turnaround is imminent. You are too fine a person to have to endure all this. Hopefully from this point on things will improve. ERIC

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah, I spoke with your mom today and although things are not going well we all truly hope and pray that a turnaround is imminent. You are too fine a person to have to endure all this. Hopefully from this point on things will improve. ERIC

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Judah did some good Shabbos resting! I followed his lead and did the same. I had not read the blog in a day and could not believe all the news that had been posted. What an emotional roller coaster. Just remember after all those terrifying climbs you get the sweet relief of the downhill....
keep coasting, Judah!

cindy rosenberg

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let Judah and his amazing family know that I am thinking of him so often, praying for his speedy recovery. Judah, continue to draw from your incredible strength and keep showing us signs of hope!
Wishing all of you a true Shavuah Tov...

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear White Family,
We are thinking of you all each and every day and praying every day for
stability coupled with recovery.
Michelle, David and Hillary

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Shabbat we closed the book of Numbers and this afternoon began the next book, Deuteronomy. May this week be the closing of one and the opening of a new journey toward health and a triumphant return home.

Y'hi ratzon, may it be Your will God, to kick in some more healing energy to augment all of our energies and efforts to healing Judah.

Love to all the Whites, and to all you bloggers. Shavuah Tov,

-- Josh


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