Judah has been poked, prodded, and pinched by every variety of nurse and doctor today. Appropos of Shabbos, it reminds me of an old joke:
Mrs. Schwartz went to the butcher and asked to see a whole plucked chicken before she bought it. The butcher obligingly handed it over and she sniffed it everywhere, lifting up its wings, its polkas, its underside. "Ugh!" she said. "You expect me to buy such a bird?"
"Tell me Mrs. Schwartz," he said smiling broadly, "would you pass such an inspection?"
Things are still looking stable which is good news. I get excited but the nurses remind me that he is still in critical condition. Hilda and Al brought a lunch for Mom and Iss today, and Rachel made a shabbat dinner for us. It's a real treat to make another Kiddush with Judah.
Look below and to the right for a new link to a yiddish dictionary.
Best to all.
Dear Whites -
Shabbat Shalom.
Love, Uncle Robby
Just quickly quickly quickly wanted to wish you all a good shabbos... Love, Abby C
Shabbat Shalom,
It has been one long week - as down as Judah has been we made it through the week and everything is stable. Just thinking about a week ago and the code blue and to say he is stable (albeit critical) is a great milestone. As always we have hope and Dr. J is continuing his fight. Its strange what develops as normalcy and for all of us it has become checking the web as often as possible – if I haven’t said it before thank you all for giving us constant updates – we all have a feeling of helplessness to help but just being aware and having a place to give you support and encouragement means the world to us.
The Nemetzes
I want to wish you all Shabbat Shalom, and many, many more happy, healthy Shabatot with Judah.
Shabbat Shalom White Family -
As always, thank you for the updates. I'm addicted to this site - whether the news is good or not so good - and appreciate just knowing what's going on with my dear friend. This site is truly a blessing and I love the idea of giving it to Judah in a book.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning for my brother's wedding cruise, but will be sure to check in from time to time whenever possible. I'll come by and visit when I get back.
Love to you all.
Mara B
Dear Whites,
You are the most amazing people. Truly. Your candor and dedication to keeping so many people informed with this blog is incredible. A book may even work. It will provide hope and a strong trust in kosher brisket's shelf life.
All our prayers and love
Jon and Aneta
Judah, Benji, Issy, Martha, and Abe,
SHABBAT SHALOM! You guys deserve it.
Counting the days until I can drop in. Keep it up.
-- Josh
Dear Dr. White, honey, Martha W, Alissa, Benji, and Mr. Wolf -
I am using my ten minutes of grace to say Shabbat Shalom, may the Sabbath be a time of peace and healing for Judah. In my prayers and thoughts constantly. Much love, Mrs. C.
Wishing you a peaceful Shabbat.
Martha,Benji Issy and of course Judah -
Hope you have a peaceful and calm Shabbat and that Judah continues to make good progress
Love, Stella and Les
Dear Whites,
Believe in a love that is being
Stored up for you like an inheritance
And have faith that in this love,
There is strength and a blessing
So large
That you can travel as far as you wish
Without having to step outside it.
(R.M. Rilke)
Wishing you a peaceful and restful Shabbat!
Dear Whites
We wish you nothing but the best, most of all for Judah.
Shabbat Shalom and a great refuah!
Much Love,
Louise and Ludwig
As we bless our candles and sip our sweet wine tonight we send thoughts of shalom and healing to all of you.
Jill Franklin (and Greg)
Your family is such an inspiration to me. I pray for you, and I thank God for you, daily.
My name is Ali Miller. I have only met Judah a few times but I remember him as such a kind, intelligent, handsome. and passionate young man.
A friend of mine (Jill Franklin) told me about the blog site. My father has stage four Lymphomia and he is ok now. He had a stem cell transplant so I know what it is like to live, breathe, sleep, and eat in the hospital. My family did something similiar as to what you are all going through.
Anyway, I am so impressed with the warmth, humor, and love of your family.
Again, I think you all are doing such a wonderful job handeling such a stressful situation but I thought that since I have been through a similiar situation, I would share some advice. (Just so that you are not confused, my dad was at the Leeds Transplant center in Omaha NE. My parents our from Albuquerque and they do not do stem cells in New Mexico)
1. Keep a sense of humor. Even during the darkness times. We would do cheers when my dad's white blood cells what up...even if it was just by one blood cell. I drew little stick drawing of the white blood cells coming to take over my dad's body.
2. Bond with the fellow families. I made friends with Cattle ranchers from Soulth Dakota. It is amazing the stories that people have to tell! We are all human.
3. Remember to take care of yourself and have time for the little things. I remember running over to a TARGET and taking in all the sites and sounds that are not in a hospital.
4. Keep on doing this! My dad kept a jounal when he was well enough.
5. Sometimes it is terrible...So remember to cry now and then. You will feel better.
Again, I don't know Judah that well but I was touched by him when I met him. I have a lot of friends from the old ACCESS crowd who are praying for him I will now do the same thing.
Warm thoughts and prayers. Ali Miller
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