Think Positive
Here are some photos of Judah from before his intubation. At the time, we had no idea that these would be pictures of the "Good Old Days." Judah was so annoyed with being in the hospital. All he would talk about was going home. Still, we had some fun. Here's Judah mugging for the camera, arguing with his nurse, listening to his Ipod, and chatting on the phone. In between, Iss, Mom and I managed to have a few laughs too.

Self portrait, Judah two weeks ago

Wired Man

Judah and Benji

Checking on Baseball Stats
It was only a week ago that Judah was put on the respirator. Although things looked glum at the time, Les Stricke helped us breathe new hope into his/our outlook. Dani Hackner, a childhood friend of Judah's and also a pulmonologist at Cedars gave my mom even more help and advice. We are lucky to augment our great doctors here at COH with some of the best doctors in the world who happen to be our longtime friends.
Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support. Everything from everyone has been enormously helpful. I believe that your good wishes are keeping Judah and all of us hopeful. Miracles aren't expected, but they are always welcome.
Dear Whites,
Are thoughts and prayers are with you.
Harvey and Kathy
Love, Mrs. C
Dear Judah, Martha, Ben & Issi -
We'll keep on thinking positive.
Sorry to hear that Judah had such a rough evening. I surmise that any upset in any one of your systems will trigger a domino response with the others.
Don't know which was at the root of last evenings problems, but it will get better.
Rest, hang tough and keep us posted.
BTW, it is Rosh Chodesh Av today.
Love, Uncle Robby
Martha, Issy and Benji, hang in there. Please G-d Judah's resilience and strength will get him through this rough patch. Judah, keep on fighting - you can do it. I'm praying and sending healing thoughts.
Dear Whites,
The photos are great.
Thanks for all the updates.
We always think of you, pray for you and love you.
The Schweitzers
Judah always looks great when I see him in person or in photos. I hope this is just another trough in the cycle of Judah's continued improvement.
Love you, thinking of you all always.
Meeting some people here who may want to make a film with me in South Ossetia, Georgia's breakaway republic. Benji--get over here!!!
It was great to see all of you. I have been computerless due to a my dad has been keeping me posted! Judah, keep on fighting!I am sending positive thoughts your way!
Love, Erin
hi whites -
i'm thinking of you all. i know that judah is fighting with all his strength even though he's having a rough time of it. amy chen (if you're reading this) i absolutely LOVED your last entry! thanks for making us giggle! love to all of you, tamar
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