Re: Shakti Gawain
I had bought Judah a pile of relaxation and meditation tapes at the Bodhi Tree. Didn't know the first thing about any of it, so grabbed a mixed bag including Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization. When I brought them to Judah he gave me the sign of the cross like I was the devil. The package was banned from the room. So... I of course started listending to them on the hour plus drive to and from the hospital. In the Shakti tape she talks about being bathed in a warm yellow light. I used the image to make a collage-card for Judah. In it he is standing on the brick wall in front of our house. Benji' s head is at his feet. He looks like a giant. The background is a yellow shape reaching out in all directions.
The collage was acceptable, even though the CD was not. I didn't know Shakti was MOT. -AAW
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