Steady Mate, Steady

Issi reported and the nurses confirmed that Judah had a restful night. I slept 7 hours straight, felt refreshed.
A flock of green parrots took up residency in the palm trees around the hotel. They greet each other with loud cries and then proceed to announce the presence of any human who tries to reach their cars parked below the trees. Dive bombing is a specialty, with training given to all. I think they provide certification and CEU credits. I also believe they are being hosted by the local car wash association.
Ryan, Judah's nurse today, after discussing all the numbers, BP 131/78 o2 saturation at 88% heart rate 90, noticed the photos on the screen saver. Nature photography is a specialty of Judah's. An outstanding feature of the City of Hope is the magnificent rose garden, (thanks to Ruth Zeigler) the Koi pond and Japanese Gardens ( also a major donor) and the great lawn in front. Patients, their families and staff all find refuge and comfort from the beauty of living, growing, blooming plants. Judah loves to prowl the walks with his camera(s) in tow.
I hope you enjoy his photos.
Shabbat Shalom to all
Hi White family,
Pleased to hear Judah is steady.
We also walked around the grounds and they are beautiful - spiritually comforting to stroll in among the green and blooming flowers
Love, Stella and Les
Shabbat Shalom White Family,
Wishing you a peaceful Friday and weekend. You are all in our thoughts so much.
Michelle, David and Hillary
Hi There all the White's!
I'm glad you slept 7 hours, I was getting worried, no blog message.
Take care, enjoy the parrots, a good Shabbat to you all!
Perhaps the parrots, being slightly closer to G_d than we geographically (as without hot air balloons, we are confined to the ground), can carry our prayers more efficiently, if not more effectively.
Shabbat shalom and love to all,
I wish all of you a good, peaceful Shabbos. Martha, I'm glad you got some sleep. If all of you want to stay out there this weekend, I'd be happy to do "Pixie duty."
Just want to wish Judah (and family) a Shabbat Shalom -It will be a challenge not to be able to "blog in" for 25 hours, as I,too, have become a blog addict! As always, he will be in our thoughts and prayers this Shabbat -
adina (jaffe lipson)
Hello to all! I sent an e-mail to Martha a few days ago but have just "blogged on" and am catching up on the latest news. It's very hard to be so far away--thank goodness for the Internet! Judah, Martha, Issi, and Benji: you are all very much loved and you are in our thoughts and prayers. I will keep in touch.
Love, cousin Diane
Dear Judah, Martha, Issy and Benji,
As with every Shabbat it's a race with the clock. Wishing you all a good Shabbat.
Love, Libby
Dear Dr. White, honey,
I am checking in just before Shabbat, so I can have the latest news, but let me tell you, Dr. White, honey, your family, which I praised in my last missive, is falling down. We now get little bits and pieces of news interspersed w/ travelogue and nature. Shabbat comes roaring in, ten minutes earlier each week, finding me far behind, but then it is much to hot to eat anything anyway.
I am hoping for a peaceful and healing Shabbat for you; please know that you are in our thoughts and our prayers. Love, Mrs. C. and Ralph
MarthaWhite, Alissa, and Benji - a Shabbat Shalom of quiet and rest. Much love from Ralph and MarthaC
White Family,
I went to high school with Judah and Issi(Issi, in case you don't remember me,we used to hang out with Matthew & Susie Berens together) and I just heard about the blog from Nicole(another high school friend). It's great to read that Judah is steady. Please give him my love and positive thoughts. Shabbot shalom, Juli Shamash(Ellyn)
Have a good Shabbat. Please give Judah a Shabbat Shalom kiss from all of us.
Love, ZZ
Gut Shabbes to y'all. Looking forward to seeing that garden again with you guys, but wold rather prowl the garden on Forester Dr. with Judah and camera in tow.
B'ezrat Hashem, I'll be seeing you guys late next week. Give Judah a gut Shnabes for me.
-- Josh
so glad to hear that Judah's artistry is being appreciated, and that martha got some significant sleep. Yay! want to wish all you Whites a shabbat shalom and may it bring m'nucha (if not simcha) and more steps towards health for the iron-willed Judah.
shabbat shalom u'm'vorach.
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