
Statistics show that Judah doesn't do well on Friday nights and Saturday mornings. He also doesn't do well when his oncologist Dr. Forman is away, or sick. Superstitious I am not, but the math shows us that tonight is a double witching hour because Dr. Forman has been gone since yesterday, and it is Friday night. The solution? We tell Judah that it is Monday and I stand by his bed and pretend to be Dr. Forman for a few minutes. Hopefully this will trick Judah into having a good night.
In the meantime, he is being dialyzed. His numbers are fine and we are waiting for more good news. There are some specifics that I won't go into now that may become complications but things are being headed off at the pass by the very pro-active doctors.
I'm including my favorite Judah/flower shot. When my father was alive, he saw genitalia in every flower. As Dad used to say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
J, M, A, B, and P: Good shabbos, good night, sweet dreams to all. From Lisa, Michael, the Cloud, and our guest guinea pig, Cornelius Fudge.
Hi Judah,Martha,Issy, Benji, and crew,
Wishing you a peaceful shabbat filled with good vitals, improved labs, and positive thoughts!
Thank you for the lovely pictures,
Dear Judah, Martha, Issi & Ben -
Shabbat Shalom. Am heading off to Temple, will check in after.
I like your idea of time shifting. I especially like the pro-active stance of Judah's doctors.
Love, Uncle Robby
Mac, its so humind here you could cut the air with a butter knife. It shabbos morning in Scarsdale and I'm getting ready to take the kids to shul. I'm going to make sure my row makes a mishaberach for you in unison so let's see if that helps. We'll also make sure we follow up with a kiddush club special so you'll be covered back to back. I can't wait for you to get out of that hospital so the chaverim can meet you. Shabbat Shalom. -Joe
Georgia O'Keefe also saw genetalia in flowers -- see vision crosses gender.l A shabbat shalom to Judah and to all the Whites.
Gay (not to be confused with the other Gay) Silberg
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