Judah's Sunday
Judah's condition remains the same. The news could be better and it could be worse. He hasn't made any progress, but he is seemingly level. There are discussions with the doctors about changing Judah's lines. He has several leading into his body and there is the possibility that they are all infected. The procedures are surgical and are potentially lethal, but then again, so are the infections.
In the meantime, Iss noticed that Judah's mouth is closing. This makes him look much healthier and calmer. He seems to be resting.
He's had a full day of visitors. The roster (for those that follow these things):
Mikes Lewis and Kadish, Deb Kadish, David Kukoff, Ziony and Rachel Zevit, Josh Katzan, Dr. Crazy Josh and his wife Talia, Michelle Lewis, Jule Hackner, Helga Weinbach, Hilda and Al, Zehava, Eli, Yotan and Havi. All this and it's only 5:30.
Thankfully, there are no "events" to report. Judah is still here, thank God.
Dear Whites,
Suzette and I have arrived in Hilton Head. Having been out of touch 'till now, hearing that Judah's condition is no better or no worse is heartening. We pray for any small step.
Listening to the weather news I only wish that we could bottle the strong winds to blow away all of Judah's difficulties.
Suzette and Bert
There's a cool breeze comming off the ocean right now, with the palm trees blowing gracefully here in Santa Monica.
Hopes that this new week will bring you strength to get back on track in conquer mode!
Hugs to all,
We had some rain last night and it made me think about you and about the time we blasted coldplay while it was raining in pasadena.
thinking of you on this warm sunday night. love, Cindy C.
Dear Martha, Judah, Iss and Benji,
Just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and keeping up with the blog daily. Thank you so much for keeping us all informed - it really means a lot to everyone.
I have a summer cold so I am keeping a healthy distance, but sending lots virtual hugs your way.
Love, Danielle
I just got off the phone with Joyce's Mom. She told me that she has been praying for you every day and each day when she goes to Mass she writes a pray for you in a special book that is there.
Shavua Tov to you and your entire family. I hope that this new week brings you the strength for more and more steps towards improvement.
With Love,
Judy Feldman
wish I had the great words of wisdom, I don't. However you are all always on our minds. Our continued prayers for sunny days ahead are always with you.
Hi everyone.
Stable is good and hopefully the doctors will take care of his infections. I keep praying for Judah to improve all the time. I hope that this week will bring good news, and renewed strength to Judah to keep on fighting and beat this.
Dear Judah,
Just got back from a wonderful concert celebrating Jewish composers--Gershwin, Copeland, Berlin--with members of our new temple here in Chicago. You would have enjoyed it. The temple says mesheberach for you, and I've got most of the black churches and several mosques praying for you too. You know me--always the community organizer.
Rest well tonight.
All my best, Jill Franklin
Dear Martha and kids,
We had a power outage for several hours here, and, with a flashlight, I read Lou your latest blogs, which fill me with awe and sadness. We both send you thoughts of healing, peace and continued strength. Love, Barbara
Hello there all,
I hope you will get some rest tonight and that Judah rests too.
Will see you soon. You are all never far from my thoughts, even when I am doing different things.
Blew out a birthday candle tonight... guess what I wished for.
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