Making sense out of sensless things
Shabbat morning- I sang(in a tuneless tone deaf manner of speaking) some of the Shabbat morning prayers to Judah. He lays in his bed, immobile, with tubes pushing fluids into his body, with tubes taking fluids out of his body. It reminds me of a passage in the novel Catch 22- the paraphrase is avoid the middle man just put input tubes to out put tubes. In his hand is the stone from Biblical times, in our broken hearts a prayers of all kinds, prayers for refuah shelemah, prayers to give us another day, prayers for the care givers to be strong and vigilant, prayers of thanks giving for all we have had, prayers for every one in this building, prayers for every one who is suffering, prayers for wonderful friends and family. This is truly a spirital palace. As I walk into the modern glass and steel building, I pass thru an arcade of tall magnolia trees whose spires reach into the pale sky. Last night, we made a motzei underneath these giants. We can watch the moon rise and the planets shine brightly. Soft warm air flows over us as we eat a Shabbat meal, some times Hilda's, Rachel's Judy E's. For a moment we forget all the sadness and difficulties. Often we lay down directly on the grass, and just let the moment over take us. No tears, just peace, and once again prayers. Not formal prayers found in Liturgy books, not fancy prose, most often just a "Dear G-d".
As the day continues, Judah is stable. We are grateful for another day.
Shabbat Shalom to all
May the giver of peace bring peace to all those you love and care about on this Shabbat and help us take joy in small steps.
Shabbat Shalom.
Gay and David Silberg
Dear Martha -
Shabbat Shalom
With you always,
Dear Whites,
I hope the day ahead brings comfort, and inner peace to all of you.
May the rock in the velvet pouch bring powerful healing, and comfort to Judah always.
Good Shabbos Martha,
Your suffering heart is supported by the love and pain we all share.
Thank you for your words.
much love and prayers to you all for strength and continued endurance.
Ben G
Peace and Love,
More prayers, hope and love.
Beverly Oliver
thinking of you on this peaceful saturday afternoon. love, Cindy C.
Dear Martha, Izzy, Benjamin and Judah -
We just returned from a long drive to Portland and are catching up on the postings. We thought of you all and kept you in our prayers every day. I hope the prayers of children has special weight above. Your steadfast faith, love and devotion are such an inspiration. Please know you are in our hearts and minds throughout this ordeal.
Love, Paul, Denise, David & Leo Freese
dear martha
we are with you praying and hping. your words are so strong and touching.
love to all of you
avigail and yehuda
Hey there, White family. I've returned from a week in the woods. Looks like my buddy JDW has had a tough week, as have you all. Sigh. SO hard. But it took me almost an hour to read your posts and the 47 gezillion comments from the people who LOVE you to pieces. That's something, for sure. I'll write more once I'm readjusted to being in civilization (a week in the woods is a marvelous thing, but the transition back ain't easy). Judah: good night, and sweet dreams.
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