Thursday, August 25, 2005

Small Steps on Mt. Enormous

It's so important to us to post the good news as it comes, but we also want to make sure that everyone knows that Judah is still far from recovery. His fever seems to have broken right now, and his temperature is normal again, but the doctors are still unimpressed. They know more things than we do, but we know that they are sometimes hardened by their experiences. Judah is fighting some kind of infection, he is suffering from CMV virus and his lungs look like cotton balls on his x-rays. Nonetheless, Judah is hanging in there. His breathing is slightly stronger than before and he is showing remarkable tenacity. Others would not have made it this far. Things turn around quickly here, and they could go left, right, up or down. It seems that Judah has made it through another day, and we will wait to see what the morning brings.
It goes without saying that Judah is supported by countless friends, family and well-wishers. I'm also especially grateful for the dozens of people who give my mom the support that helps her endure. She could not do what she does without the love and friendship from all of you.
It's hard not to celebrate the small steps Judah's body is making in the right direction, but bear in mind how much more there is to overcome.


At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Whites,
Just got in from dinner - Neil and I took our eldest grandaughter out to Haifa Restaurant and she's sleeping over tonight. Kind of her last hoorah before school starts again next week!! Martha, I had such a nice visit with your housekeeper and her 8 month old Daniel Seymour and my little granddaughter Ilana, who is 17 months old. She filled me in on the last couple of days because my DSL service had outages - what a bummer - I look forward to Judah's updates.
Judah, our love and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Love, Ruth Miller and the gang

At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

Keep up that tenacity! Baby steps in the right direction is great news. I'll just keep praying that tomorrow brings more good news, no matter how small.

Be well and I'll talk to you soon.

Mike L

At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah, Martha, Issy and Benji,
We are glad that today was a better day. Our prayers are that better and better days keep on coming! Have a restful night.
Michelle, David and Hillary

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Martha, Issey and Benji,

Our prayers are for Judah's complete and speedy recovery.

Refuah Shlemah

The Edelmans

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not that long ago you told me you would be fine and everything would be ok, well Judah, I am holding you to your word.

Susan E.

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even though Judah has a long way to go - tonight we are celebrating. Every day completed is a victory. We are hoping for endless tomorrows where we can start to take the little things for granted again. But tonight we are happy that there still is hope, there still is a fight and we know that out lean mean fighting machine has no quit.
We wish we could do more.
Stacie & David

Issy - what about a rematch tomorrow afternoon?

At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Benji, all
So thrilling to hear some positive strides amidst the sea of clouds..May Judah have a restful night with further improvement, Myerts Hashem... Always in my thoughts, even when I aint blogging.
Love and support,
Ben G

At 10:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Whites,

Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you and praying for Judah's well being.

The Wozs

At 11:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Whites,
While I briefly met Judah during the time I was saying kaddish for my mother and he was doing the same for his beloved father at Beth Am, I know Martha and her colleague Helen G., a very close friend of ours. I've been asking Helen for periodic updates about Judah's valiant battle. I know he's being treated by an amazing, caring Stephen Forman and his team, from my days as non-medical member of the staff at COH. Judah, my prayers are with you and the family. My best wishes for a refuah shlemah day by day...

B'hatzlacha Rabbah, Mark Friedman of TBA...

At 12:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

May this Shabbat and the additional soul it instills in us give you the strength to do what your doctors view as the unimaginable.



At 12:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great news! Tonight I'll sleep with the thought of Judah's lungs being pink, strong, and healthy.

Send Judah my love and tell him to dream of being on the top of some fantastic mountain, breathing in fresh mountain air. I will imagine him coming to visit, and us taking a trip to my favorite mountain spot: Mount Kazbegi in the middle of the Caucasus mountain range just south of Russia. There is a small stone church at the foothills and a long climb to the glacier at the top. Caucasian dogs follow you along the way. And the view is absolutely stunning, if you reach the top. You feel like you are in a Tolstoy novel--a distant world atop craggy, snow-covered mountain peeks with a history of old tales of adventure and romance surrounding them. Take a deep breathe, and you are on the top of the world.

Much love,


At 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is CMV virus?

At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah -

What a magnificient fighter you are!

Your tagline comes from a Beatle song: "I'll get by with a little help from my friends." And you will get by. Keep fighting and all of us will keep fighting along side of you.

Have a good day.

Love, Uncle Robby

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Whites,
Good to hear the improved news. Judah, stay with it and keep the good news coming. We are leaving Williamsburg this morning and will be in Hilton Head starting Friday. Want to connect then and have more good news.
Love, Suzette and Bert

At 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Whites,
Good to hear the improved news. Judah, stay with it and keep the good news coming. We are leaving Williamsburg this morning and will be in Hilton Head starting Friday. Want to connect then and have more good news.
Love, Suzette and Bert


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