Ron and Thelma

Thumbelina, photo by Judah,
Ron, respiratory therapist and Thelma, are smiling this morning. Judah's fever stayed down without ice packs, and his oxygenation is at 93% with 59% o2. This is a return to better numbers. Still a long way from recovery but its a small step in the right direction. It seems there is a small competition between the night and day staff as to who will get Judah to have better numbers. It's fine with me as long as Judah keeps going in a positive direction.
I look out his window, its still dark, but the headlights of cars moving along the 605 form a ribbon that ties the sky with the earth. It's still pre dawn, in a few minutes a soft glow will be visable from the window. Life goes on and with it hope.
Much love,
Dear Dear M,
Thanks for the upbeat Blog; as I mentioned previously, just keep issueing good news. Get some sleep, we don't need Blogs at 5.26 A.M.
Woke up in Toronto this am and was just about to blow off the morning minyan (for a later one) but YDBM compelled me to get my ass out of bed and daven. Thank you Mac. Somehow we will get through this no matter what the doctors say. Keep fighting, you are not alone. I did send you a beam of energy from the Great White North hopefully it reached you already. --Joe
How lovely to awaken to this beautiful photo and better news.
Thinking good thoughts,
Jill Franklin
Dear Martha,
Thanks for the update. We bloggers always appreciate news of Judah at all hours as we are addicted to this website. Get some rest and we look forward to hearing more good news.
Judah - hey buddy, give us some good stats stat.
Cindy C.
Dear Martha, Judah, Issi & Ben -
Boker Tov.
Love, Uncle Robby
Dear Dr. White, honey and MarthaWhite, Alissa, and Benji,
The news this a.m. is smiley-face making and I am smiling. All over the world, Judah-fans are scurrying to prepare for Shabbat and among all of them the item of primo importance is to keep Judah in mind and prepare for industrial strength praying before and during Shabbat.
Love to all of you, Mrs. C.
Goodmorning Martha,
A tulip and sweeter news starts the day just right.
Keep going in the right direction Judah. Ben G
Beautiful photo, yet again. It's inspiring.
And who says Benj and Iss are the writers in the W family?! It is clear now where the inspiration and genes originate (sorry Seymour).
I hope today sees more improvements. The sun is about to set in Georgia. My shabbat friend is out of town, so I'll be celebrating with a male shiks (don't know the word). My prayers and love will be with you tonight and in my dreams watching Judah climb mountains.
pretty amazing how many of us bloggers are thinking along the same lines. this morning in the shower I was wondering if Martha is getting enough zzzz's to prevent sleep deprivation...and then someone else says something similar.
great news and thank you for giving us such honest updates. it truly helps.
boker tov and shabbat shalom and may your shalom aleichem melodies tonight bring angels of healing to judah and give him an additional boost!
Hello Family,
Glad to hear that Judah is a little better. Keep up the good work Judah.
I spoke to Jason and he said that he lost 70 lbs in 6 weeks.He is getting back into some clothes that was to small.Jason said he Will see all of you at the wedding.
I will call later.
Martha, thanks for the update. Any step in the right direction is good news. What a beautiful photo - Judah is so talented. Please G-d he'll be taking many more photos soon.
Shabat Shalom - I hope it will be a quiet and relaxing Shabbos, with only good news.
Dave called me this morning and let know what is going on. You can be assured that you are in my prayers.
Dave has all of my contact information (phone, e-mail, etc.) if you have time to reach out. Otherwise, I will become a regular reader.
Best regards,
Bruce Covahey
P.S. Just remember the words of the message board in the 3rd (?) Floor Gates women's bathroom -- "Judah White is hot." I'm sure it as true now as it was in 1987.
Lets GO Judah, Lets GO !!!!
Just like at a baseball game.
Keep up the small steps to a home run.
Thinking of you.,
Amy K
From small steps on mount enormous to better numbers is a good way to go. Keep fighting Judah Daniel, you are amazing and you constantly keep encouraging us with your tenacity and hard work.
Have a powerful shabbat, full of recovery visions, which B"H will become reality.
Martha, sing your tunes to Judah Daniel, and Benji, do your kiddush, he is there to hear you.
Issy, Benji and Martha, we keep praying, and wishing for the steps to recovery to show themselves consistantly.
Have a shabbat shalom, shabbat Bri'ut veod bri'ut.
With much love, Rachel
In this competition may the best man win...and that of course is Judah. We're continuing to hold Judah in our prayers.
Gay Silberg
Dear, dear Judah,
If baby steps are what it takes, baby steps it will be. In this era of reality-TV-competitions-from-hell, what a joy to hear of your caregivers competing to make you better. May they all win. And we'd better get your mom that picket fence she swears she can sleep on.
Shabbat shalom, only the best for you.
Judah Daniel White,
The Henik ladies have decided to take matters into their own hands. We will be there for Shabbat to snap you out of this latest slump.
Be forewarned: If you don't cooperate, we will sing you Shalom Aleichem followed by a Zemirot marathon until you wake up to tell us to shut the **** up!
Erika, Libby and Audrey
We're headed for another Shabbat in the mountains and will come to visit on our way down. We hope to see a stronger Judah when we get there. Shabbat shalom--
It's comforting to know that you treat your recovery much the same way you run the bases - - you never stop. We pray your endless determination will land you home safe and sound. Keep fighting the good fight.
- Debbie, David, Noah & Adam
Dear Martha,
Shabbat Shalom to your whole family. We hope that this Shabbat will be a positive turning point for Judah. Thinking of you.
Marlene & Barry
Today is no different than in days past, I have been thinking of you a lot today. I was actually laughing earlier when I saw an analyst was leaving my company. Remember when you told me that you might want to try your hand at being a pharmaceutical stock analyst after finishing your residency program? Something about a job at an investment bank being the perfect combination of law and medical degrees along with the opportunity to go and get your MBA. Tell you what, get better and I will forward your resume to HR . . . we are hiring.
Stacie N.
Shabbat Shalom to everyone. Judah, good Shnabes.
The good news is sustaining, and I pray for more.
Dr. White, honey,
Another Shabbat is nearing and as always we send our hopes and wishes and prayers and love. You will have a peaceful Shabbat, with rest and replenishing of your needs. Love, Mrs. C and the Doctor
Dear Judah and Whites.
As Shabbat is starting momentarily here in the East, just wanted to send our wishes for a peaceful Shabbat for you all and renewed strength for Judah--- keep it up, Judah- you can do it!!!
Shabbat Shalom-
Love, Adina and Les and kids
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