(w)He Did It!

Mom worked her magic and took Judah for a walk. It was his first time out of the hospital room in over a month! This is a really big deal for Judah-watchers. We took him out to the rose garden and spent an amazing 15 minutes in the Duarte dusk. True to form, Judah couldn't help but to give driving orders to us as we pushed him in the wheelchair. After a few more minutes, Judah felt tired and we took him back, as nurses congratulated him on this big step
I am so happy you got to go outside. I hope the few minutes brought joy to your day. Keep up the great progress we love you dearly.
Amy and Dvir
great news. you look great with the flowers.
on my way home then straight to the mountains with mom. she won't even let me shower when i get off of the flight. i'll call you guys on arrival.
congratulations on your outing; that's fantastic. oh, btw, it's benji's friend, erika. i'm stuck at the heathrow airport right now and benji gave me the address for your blog so it's an opportune time to check in and see how you are feeling.
have a great july 4th!
ps the robe is tres chic. :)
All right Judah!!!!!!!!!!
How sweet did the roses smell?
Love, uncle Robby
Hey Judah,
Great to see you outside again! See you soon.
Judah - so glad you got outside. My Bubie and Saba (Rose and Ed) are here (I'm at my parents' in Palo Alto) and they send their good wishes. Remember last year watching the fireworks with your neighborhood? Felt like middle America, not the middle of West LA. Talk to you soon,
Right on!
Be careful about being too bossy with those driving directions. Remember what I always said about how men drive...?
Jill Franklin
Dude! I'm so glad you were able to make it out. You were right, it really is a beautiful place. I only hope that you'll have the energy to enjoy being out there more and more. I can imagine how taxing it could be on you, but God willing you'll get to hang out in your true elelment: among the mysterious and wonderous beauty of nature.
When will you be able to take your watercolors and your new camera? Can't wait to see that!
Of course, I wrote my sermon about Bikur Cholim. You and your mom were prominant features. Even though I know you'd both rather not have to be this, you're inspirations to many, many people out there. Not to mention, it looks like we'll be getting many more Jews on the registry too.
Looking forward to continuing to hear good news. Shavah Tov,
-- Josh
Hi there judah! This is such a fantastic blogsite...(i'm glad i got into the "in" network...can you here me now?) It's so cool to be a judahblogger. Anyway, great news on your big day out. Keep up the fabulous job!!! I look forward to reading about you everyday.
Happy 4th to you and your family,
cindy c.
Hello Judah, Martha and the Whites
Glad to see that you getting out of the hospital room - a big step forward, even in a wheelchair. As they say in the old country, mazel tov!
Cousin Jeff and family
Hi Judah! I heard about your situation from the JJ article. I send all my best wishes for your quick recovery and a life of great health and success. My email address is below and my number is 818 883-1124.
Yahoo! Now get out, and stay out!
Love, Erika and Amihai
P.S. Read the article in the Jewish Journal. Martha is "at once intense and warm, religious and a feminist"? Are those supposed to be contradictions? Sheesh.
-- Erika (at once a New Yorker and a Berkeleyan) and Amihai (at once an Israeli and a Green Card holder)
Way to go, Judah! Love to hear the great news! Rina just stopped by on her way back from seeing you! Stay strong!
Happy 4th of July. Stacie and I were going to hire some singers to cheer you up - but we decided against it. Glad to hear you made it outside - and that you were "driving." I was planning to make it out over the weekend but I am getting over a cold (Zoe's weekly gift to me). We all miss you and can't wait to talk to you soon.
- Nemetzs
Happy 4th of July,
We just got the link for your blog, and it looks like we found it just in time to see some fantastic progress. Hope to see you soon.
Jon and Aneta
Yeah, Judah! Why don't you try taking it a littler farther, and come on over to San Marino.
Judah - just learned about this blog from the JJ article and am thrilled about your progress! Today the roses, tomorrow the redwoods.... You have the prayers of all of us.
Carolyn Fisher
Hi Judah,
Everyday I learn something new about you. I never new you are an outdoor person :-)
It was great seeing you today (Sunday) even for such a short while. We both should learn sign language. This way we may be able to talk for longer.
Already missing you
Hi Judah - So pleased to hear you got out to 'smell the roses'a few days ago. Just got back from NY and was so happy to hear of your continued progress!
Love, Stella
Hey Judah--It's taken me a while to absorb the material on this blog--I had no idea of the depth and breadth of your worldwide cheering section.
Your progress sounds all the more fantastic when I read about it backwards--it really lends enormous meaning to where you are today. Also, it's so great to bear witness to the Triumph of the Curmudgeon.
Henry's at Habonim sleepaway camp, so Phillip is having his belated only-child experience. Presumably, seven weeks of it won't mess him up completely.
I can hear the July 4th fireworks down by Long Island Sound--I think they're for you.
Naomi and Ruthie send a proxy-blog of love and refuah shlaymah. Thanks for hanging in there.
Love, Marshall
Hope you enjoyed being outdoors as much as it cheered us up to know that you were out of your room. Take care.
The Wozs
Dear Judah,
I am back from Israel. I want to come and visit you this week whenever it will be convenient for you. I am so happy to hear that the count is going up and that you are going out a bit. Doesn't the fresh air intoxicate? (no pun intended)
I can't wait to see you in person, much love and keep up the good work, Rachel
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