Market Theory, Legends and Mandel Bread
The Schweitzers were here. Stuart enjoyed the last piece of Stella's mandle bread and Suzanne brought my mom a book of Women Legends featuring a best hits list including Oprah, Mother Theresa and Martha Stuart.
I got an ivy league education on marketplace theory. Stuart talked, I listened. Discussion included a comparison of NYSE, E-bay and the Farmer's Market. It all started when I asked a fundamental question about the stock market: how is the price set? "It must be frustrating, being a layperson," he said. Kidding aside, it was an absolute pleasure to ask a knowledgeable person and receive a knowledgeable answer.
El Gordon sent Judah a mezzuzah. Her rabbi told her to change her mezzuzahs when she had troubles. It might work here.
Judah is resting peacefully. Suzanne and Stuart chatted with him and I'm sure it perked him up. Uh oh...there goes a beep.
Good night everybody, aaw.
ps for those of you who don't know and are afraid to ask, the answer is the "invisible hand."
Hey Judah,
I saw the movie "The Wedding Crashers" tonight with Grant. You'll both love it and hate it at the same time. It will make your skin crawl in much the same way that Steve Martin's "The Lonely Guy" did all those years ago. I can anticipate the High-Fives as well as the groans of association.
Looking forward to those moments once again.
Also went to Venice Beach today. Can't wait to get you back there too.
-- Josh
Dear Martha, Judah, Issi & Ben -
Boker Tov. Am glad to hear that Judah's fever has broken. Now he can concentrate on his O2 levels.
have a good day.
Love, Uncle Robby
hi judah,
been thinking about you and checking in on you at work. this blog has been bookmarked on my computer. have a sunshiny day today and i'll check in again later for more updates. - Cindy C.
Good morning and I hope all is well. I am a little bummed about the end of the mandel bread - it was delicious! (Mandel bread is becoming a lost art - but thats another story).
Judah - I just got an email from Bruce and today we are going to listen to Del Amitri for you - Bruce on a 23 year old cassette that for some reason was lodged under his passenger seat and I will dig out the CD which due to my solid organizatonal skills I should find around noon. Hang in there and lets get through this.
I was thinking about you on the way in to work today. We saw Zoe's doctors yesterday, for a second day in a row. (It seems she has really bad eczema, an allergy rash of some sort and now has thrush.) I know that you would rolled your eyes when we told you about the appointments and offered your advise . . . I miss that.
And hopefully you get a good laugh at the prospect of my husband finding his Del Amitri cd, I sure did. :-)
Thinking good thoughts,
Stacie N.
Good morning Judah, Martha, Benji and Issy,
Wishing you all a day that is good. We are thinking of you!
Michelle, David and Hillary
Hey Judah,
I'm writing to you from Yerushalayim - the Old City in fact. I've been here now for over three weeks, and I'll be starting the new semester on Sunday. I just wanted to let you know that I've been sending up some prayers for you from the Kotel. I wish you a full and speedy recovery, and continued strength and faith to your family. All the best,
I need to set the record straight. My Del Amitri cassette is only 20 years old, not 23 (released in 1985), and I probably bought it about 12 years ago after a prior version was eaten by my car's tape player. I'm sure this is not an important point, but I feel it is my duty as a fellow officer of the court to clarify the facts.
Stay strong.
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