Wednesday, August 31, 2005

This morning Judah is going to have his chest tube rotated to attempt to pull more fluid off. He has gained two kilos again. Diaylsis has been ordered. His o2 is up to 75 % with a 90% saturation. The goal is to lower his 02 requirements. Perhaps decreasing the fluid around the lung will enable his lungs to work more efficiently. The staff continues to be aggressive in their treatment. We need a series of small miracles to augment the medical treatment. If any one has a miracle or two to spare we will accept all donations.

Pixie, welcomed me home last night. After a good sniff, a back scratch, and foraging into the old laundry, she decided that it was time for bed. As is her habit, she stands by the laundry room door head towards the bedroom, and barks at me. I raise the mattress (she is too old to jump directly on the high bed) she jumps on my bed then on to Seymour's bed, circles the pillows, gets comfortable and lets out a great sigh. Then I can go back to doing what ever it is I was doing.
During the night she came into my bed for a snuggle, since she is not petite I have two choices, get up (usually what happens) or experience her displeasure at being sent back to the other bed.

Oh the life of a dog!

I will write later after the procedures. If you want to contact us directly you can always e mail, to I can't always get to the phone.



At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Martha -

Whatever I've got in the way of miracles, is all yours.

Love, Robby

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. White, honey,
Prayers for success of tube rotation and allowing more fluid to drain. While the miracles are standing in linem, it is always helpful and hopeful that there are a few procedure tricks. Love, Mrs. C.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are watching and waiting with you
Love, Stella and les

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear, Dear Martha!
Thanks for all the updates, you are a great matriarch. Thanks for the dog story, we have the same story and in addition a cat story.
Take good care of yourself and the rest of the family.

Much Love;


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