Saturday, August 30, 2008

I have supped from the cup of sadness, I have supped from the cup of gladness.
Judah's anniversay of his death by the hebrew calendar is today. I went to services, tried to find some place that was Judah, and only found salty tears. To night I am going to a bbq given by his mentor Dr. Shriner for the Tanzania team as she calls it. Judah wanted so much to go.

Tomorrow is the English anniversary of Judah's death. He died on Saturday morning, by the clock. The light outside said it was still night, dark outside his window. I remember the events of this night in detail. I remember driving home with the sun rising.

I try to remember all the events of his life,which is of course impossible. I treasure his last note to me, "Don't cry, don't tire" So very Judah.

Monday, August 18, 2008

August 22, 29 Av, Sept 3

August 22, 1966 Date of Judah's birth
29th of Av, the Yarzheit or Jewish anniversary of his death
Sept 3, 2005, the English date of his death

Judah would have been 42 on Friday. I remember his last birthday, with all the wishes from you. I remember thinking he would pull out of this like he did all the other times in his life that he pulled a winning streak out of a hat.

I just received a nice note from Josh M who knew Judah in Herzl. He said Judah was his hero. I keep hearing that refrain from so many of his friends. Tell me some hero stories. I know that his memory lives on with you all. Keep it going.
