A Judah Story
The Westport library is a beautiful old mansion with rolling lawns, a clock tower that chimes every half hour. It was the place that my parents loved. My father has two paintings hanging on the walls. Judah also took pleasure in visiting the library. We donated money for trees to honor my mother's memory, and later a tree to honor Judah's memory.
In talking to a board member about the use the school children made of the library a comment was made that most of the town's children do not have library cards and don't read much. To remedy this situation we began a program where by each first grader would visit the library receive a book that was theirs to keep and a library card. The program is entering its third year. I asked if there was any impact. The librarian said yes, there were two children who now come frequently and enjoy the library. The names of the boys are , you won't believe this, Judah and Daniel. I did not have a chance to meet these boys, but its such a fitting legacy for Judah's name.
Yes, Judah's yarzheit birthday and English anniversary of his passing make August, Sept very rough. The days are brightened by Judah stories.