Sunday, July 31, 2005


Dr. Les Stricke took a good hard look at Judah today and spent some considerable time talking to his other doctor. He explained that the blog was a bit misleading, if not misinformed about Judah's condition. While Judah's lungs have suffered some from the chemo and radiation, it doesn't seem to be the cause of Judah's current distress. Judah is suffering an acute inflammation of the lungs. This is causing his bleeding. Today, however, Judah has not been bleeding. Dr. Stricke and Judah's other doctor look at this as a promising sign. The lungs CAN regenerate from the situation that Judah's lungs are currently in. While this news is so unbelievable to us who have been laboring under the impression that Judah's lungs would not recover, we are warned that it doesn't mean that Judah WILL recover. Sometimes the bleeding starts just as spontaneously as it stops. Still, the thought that Judah could conceivably recover some normal function is beyond exciting.
I can not tell you how relieved I am to learn that Judah's lungs aren't suffering from severe scarring or fibrosis. His other organs are healthy and he seems to be enduring the transplant well, despite this acute reaction.
Maybe the praying works. We are told that it is a day to day situation. We will post as we know more.
Love from us all.


At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah and all Whites,
Yeah!! I know your lungs will heal....
Benji, thanks so much for keeping us posted with the latest updates....
We love you all. Suzanne

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are praying for Judah in palo alto and sending thoughts of life saving air filling Judah's lungs. Strength to all of the White family. You are the most wonderful!

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lung power activate!

- aud

At 1:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear judah, martha, issi & benji

we think of you all the time.
praying and wishing for judah to get better and stronger and for you martha & "kids", to have the strength to help him through this crisis.
a very big hug to you all
love tova & david

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Judah,
Hi Martha, Issi and Benji,

Theresa and I think of you often. Your strength and resilience is inspiring.

Wishing you all the best from DC,


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, WOW, WOW, such good news and hope. I know it is day to day, but today is better than yesterday.
Thank you blogging....
Many prayers, love, RAchel

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for Judah and for all of you.



At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah and the White family,
We are praying for you and love you very much,
Cipora, Baruch and the Family.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah -

What great news! Yes, your lungs will heal.

Who knows, maybe you will turn into a marathoner.

In the meantime, please stop scaring the s___ out of everyone!

Get better,

Love, Uncle Robby

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great news. What a relief to hear.

Praying for a full and speedy recovery soon,


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doctor White, honey,

We are mightily relieved to have such an encouraging report. We love you and think of you and pray for healing. Love Ralph and Mrs. C.

Dearest Martha, Alissa, and Benji - please pass it on. Love to all,

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Judah

We are praying for you here in Chicago. Our thoughts are with you and your family for continued strength. We know you'll get through this rough patch.

We are so grateful for the time your family takes to write the blog. You must all be exhausted and drained and yet you keep us all posted.

Love, Jill and Greg (Franklin/DeMatoff)

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the White Family: Thank you so much for the very speedy update. I'm relieved (just a little) that things look better today than they did yesterday. You have no idea how much I appreciate this blog and all you put in it. All I can say is "Thank you" but that doesn't seem enough...

To Judah: I'll keep praying for you and your family. I really wished that I lived closer, like back in Arcadia, so I could visit and try not to roll my eyes at your jokes. I'm trying to figure out a trip to LA in August but it really depends on whether or not I find a job for the upcoming year before it's time for all of the "new" teacher meetings and nonsense. If I can't make it in August, then I'll shoot for October when I'll have a week off from school. I am looking forward to hanging out with you again, even if it's only for a 5-minute block at COH. BTW, I liked the nurse/red pen joke. It was a lot better than the many second grade jokes I usually hear that really don't have a punch line.

Stephanie G.

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No matter where I daven, be it in Scarsdale, Chicago, or Santa Monica, Yehuda Daniel is on the top of my mind. I ask Hashem to heal you and for your refuah shlama (Martha is that correct transliteration). We are with you guys in spirit everyday! --Joe

At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay yay yay! this is great news! i'll pray harder than ever. there have been scientific studies about the power of prayer published in medical journals, believe it or not! so we will all keep praying that the universe will care for Judah!

cindy rosenberg

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Whites--It's 9:38 over here in NY and I"m clocking out. Hoping to hear good news tomorrow.
Love, Abby

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah - Yes!!!!!!! You are going to turn the corner & continue on the road to a healthier & happier future. The road is paved with everyone's love, prayers & good wishes.
Love you,
Aunt Marsha

At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baruch HaShem that the situation is a bit different than we thought. Judah, still looking forward to seeing you on your birthday. I will try and whip together a CD for you in the next day or so. White family, hang in there. Will stay in touch.

-- Josh

At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah, Martha, Issy and Benji,

Yay!!!!! I'm doing triple somersaults. At my age, can you imagine???? I was not at home and Audrey called to read me the newest, greatest, turn of events. You doctors.....can't you get it right the first time and stop scaring the heck out of us?
Love, kisses, tears and hurrahs,


At 7:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi to all of you-
After the past days of crises, tears, phone calls. e-mails, cross-country fights, birthdays, heart-pounding fears and all the rest, it is good to know that Judah appears to be resting comfortabley and more resolved than ever to beat this thing no matter what. It is wonderful to hear that his doctor has held out more hope than you thought there was.
Judah, we. too. pray for you daily and run to the blog for updates. You must have an amazing number of "brownie points" up there and they have to count for something good.
We so wish we were closer and could "drop in" for a few minutes when the time is right and be of some real help and solace to the rest of you. You know we would be out there in a heart beat if you thought that was a good idea.
You are all in our thoughts and hearts and prayers.
Janet and George

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shalom Yehuda, Here is a deal I know you can't refuse. Next year on Rosh Hashana we go back to Bianca's shul in Givataim, enjoy the great 'shofar blowing' and then spend time in Netania on the beach, this time we take on para-gliding off the cliffs and maybe even some horse back riding...Love, Willy

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shalom Yehuda, Here is a deal I know you can't refuse. Next year on Rosh Hashana we go back to Bianca's shul in Givataim, enjoy the great 'shofar blowing' and then spend time in Netania on the beach, this time we take on para-gliding off the cliffs and maybe even some horse back riding...Love, Willy

At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah and all the Whites,

Suzette and I will be following your progress on the blog and our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We are currently on a 40 day road trip and we access the internet when we can. As Suzette says, we are piloting a new TV reality show: "Can this Marriage Survive." In this show they would put a husband and wife in a car for 40 days and find out if they come out.

We are now in Charlottesville VA after spending time in Whitwell, TN; home of the movie "Paper Clips." We spoke with Mrs Linda Hooper, principal of the school.

Will follow everthing as we can.

Suzette & Bert

At 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you are hanging in there and that things are not as bad as previously thought. Judah, not only am I thinking of you, but I am going to take your family up on the offer to come visit you. I will be there sometime late Monday morning. Keep up the hard work,
Debbie Dyner

At 11:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What very hopeful and very welcome news! Hang in there, Judah, there are hundreds if not thousands of your friends, loved ones and acquaintances cheering you from the stands 24 hours a day.

With love to you and your "A" team,


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