Judah is still blabbing away. He asked that I come over and spend the night again. I haven't had much time to see what's going on with him, but his nurse says he seems less agitated tonight. I think he would be very annoyed if he knew that I've been describing him like this. He is still in his chair, and he seems to be coughing less.
He's going to take a nap. Please, God, let him sleep so I can sleep.
Family portrait time:
Mom doesn't like the photos of her so I will wait until I get her approval. Here's me, Iss, Grandpa and Pixie. Judah is falling asleep as I am writing this -actually midsentence blabbing about something I can't understand.

Dear Ben -
Really like your family photos, especially yours - the last time I saw a photo like that it was of some poor guy who was blinking the word T-O-R-T-U-R-E from a cell in Iran.
Tell Judah to keep on making forward progress and give everyone my love,
Uncle Robby
Hey, Judah--You should know that you're not the only member of our family who's able to fall asleep in mid-sentence. It's something I do all the time when I'm reading to Henry and Phillip. When the clearly spoken words from the text become the slurred, meandering words from my mind, Phillip asks me, "Dad, are you sleep-talking?" Less hazardous than sleep-walking, I suppose.
Benj is doing a fabulous job with the blog--it is genuine web verite. Love the portraits; there's no question about the bloodline--Pixie included.
Are you really reading "The World is Flat"? Not too much of a downer? What about some highbrow dreck, like "I Am Charlotte Simmons"?
Naomi and I saw Iss at her tea party. Word of advice to Sebastian: Don't let the customers watch you wash the teacups, no matter how hot the water is or how many years you've spent off the grid.
Happy belated birthday to your mom. Martha, bashanah haba'ah b'Cheviot Hills.
Love to all of you from Naomi, my mom, and me.
nice photos whites! hmmm, what do i have new and exciting to tell you? shira is being potty trained - her israeli day care teacher decided it was time - so she's only wearing diapers at night now. she's so advanced. my apartment is finally cooling off and it's quite a relief. i am going to sacramento the week after next for a training at the CA department of Education. Should be interesting. Have you ever read "Motherless Brooklyn" by Jonathan Lethem? I'm reading it for book club now - I think you'd enjoy it if you can get through a book right now. keep truckin' - love, tamar
Benji, you look like you are in jail. All that's missing is your cot, sink & metal toilet. Keep up the good work on the blog & tell Judah that we love him. Aunt Marsha
I hope you're feeling better. By the way, before I forget, Martha, happy belated birthday ---- and Benji & Issy, great job with the blog.
Everything is going fine here. I saw Nemetz's cousins Barb & her husband Adam. We were talking about that Y2K party at the Century Club that we all went to. I hadn't thought about that in ages.
What else? Do you have a dvd player in your room? I got a hold of the first 3 seasons of "24". Great show. I can bring them out if you want to watch any of them.
Take it easy & I'll talk to you soon.
Just got home from the Dodger game - a nice day out at the ball park even as the local boys lost. Zoe turns 9 months old today so we going to take her out to dinner - nice food for her folks - a jar for the little one. Keep those lungs open and I will hopefully see you soon,
- Nemetz
Dear Martha,
Belated birthday wishes. Almost time to reap that Social Security. I have only a few months to go. I'll drink a glass of wine for both of us. You do the same.
Love, Libby
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