Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday Final

The mood today started out grim. After our friends Stella and Les Stricke came by things brightened immeasurably. Many people came out to see us today and we enjoyed seeing all of them. Dr. Stricke is my favorite lung doctor. Just so everyone is clear: Dr. Stricke is a family friend who came by at Mom's request to help us understand Judah's situation. He is not Judah's primary physician, nor is he Judah's pulmonologist, but he's a great guy and he explained things to us in a way that we had not yet understood. He gave us a reason to hope for Judah's recovery. Still, we are on an emotional roller-coaster here, but it is a far better ride now than it was on Friday. Perhaps an ember of hope can be fanned into a flame of good fortune. Tomorrow we will see Dr. Foreman and Dr. Dunst and we will begin to know more.
Judah is still restful and his oxygen level has been turned down to 56% from an earlier 62% This is good news as it means that he is requiring less and less oxygen from the ventilator in order to maintain a satisfactory blood/oxygen saturation level.
I'm sending Mom off to the hotel so that she can get a decent night's sleep. I'll take the evening shift tonight with Judah. The family will be back here together in the morning. Thank you everyone for your wonderful notes and prayers.


At 11:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

If you found my father's offer tempting, then you really are stronger than any man I know....

Anyway, I echo everyone's request that you stop scaring the s--t out of us. Please don't make me turn to the Aquarian Minyan here in Berkeley for a Sufi-NativeAmerican-Chassidic-Tantric mi-she-berach (I'm not making this up).

Get better already. I'm worried about my growing addiction to the blog.


At 3:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

Your commitmment to "Attitude" has me seriously considering that this is a family trait. Your aunt Sylvia, throughout her medical travail, always believed and encouraged us with her attitude position: "I will beat this." I know I drew strength from that and I want to have you continue feeding me.

Today is my birthday so I want to hear good news from you.

Love Bert and Suzette

At 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,

This is great news...I'll be tuned in to hear more update from your family as the day progresses. Just to let you know how important you are and this blog have now been bookmarked for easy access. Stay strong...we shall be waiting for more good news.

Cindy C.

At 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah & family -
Please send Judah our love and that we are all praying for him --if someone could please send me his Hebrew name and mom's name- i would really like to put it on our meshabeirach list- we had it but we need it again
thanks so much -
adina(jaffe) lipson

At 7:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah, Martha, Ben & Issi -

We are on that roller coaster ride along with you.

All I can say is that it is going to be all right. I can't explain why, it is just something which I feel.

Love, Uncle Robby

At 7:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mac, turned 44 yesterday. When you turn 44 I'm taking you and Netanyahu to Vegas for the trip of your life. Something to put in that noggin of yours and to fantasize about. Gramps can join us too! Anyway, got an aliyah in your honor this am in shul and prayed with passion for your recovery, and that trip to VEGAS!

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,
I just wanted to let you know that you're in our prayers out here in Pennsylvania. My mom has been giving me updates. I'm generally late to adopt technology-- and just so you know, your page is my first "blog" experience.
We're thinking of you, and send love to your family,

At 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judah, keep on fighting as you have been doing. It was great to hear what Les Stricke had to say about your lungs. Please G-d each day you will get better and better.
Martha, of course if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me.


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