Monday, August 01, 2005

Mid Afternoon

Dr. Forman was just in with Judah's nephrologist. The nephrologist told us that Judah's appears to be having some kidney problems, but nothing that is uncommon for BMT patients. He suggested a treatment of slightly higher insulin and giving Judah additional albumin and taking a wait and see approach. In my opinion, he was not at all alarmed at Judah's condition. Dr. Forman mostly reiterated what we have been hearing in bits and pieces. He said that Judah is showing some signs of improvement and stablization and that he has seen patients in Judah's condition make a full recovery. For that reason, he said, he will continue Judah's aggressive treatment as it is and we will watch him "hour by hour, shift to shift." Even if Judah stablilizes and does not seem to improve, Dr. Forman says he will consider keeping Judah ventilated on a more long term basis which may include a tracheostomy. People have persisted for weeks before showing significant improvement, and Dr. Forman thinks that in the long term a tracheostomy will give Judah greater freedom of movement and comfort.
One of the things we are keeping an eye on is Judah's oxygen levels. Ideally the level of oxygen that the ventilator should be at is below 50%. Today it was shifted down to 50% with the aim of bringing it lower still.
The Ebers have been kind of enough to entertain Grandpa for much of the day, Issy and Mom have been at the hospital all day, and poor Pixie hasn't seen Mom since Thursday.


At 5:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wonderful White Family,
This news is really good to hear. We are following Judah's blog daily and praying daily too! Please give Judah a hug for us and let him know we are cheering his recovery on each and every day!
David, Michelle and Hillary

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah,
Greetings from St. Louis. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through but I know that you are strong enough to fight and win this battle. Stay strong.
Best wishes,

At 8:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Judah and his bloggers- Thanks for the detailed updates. I'm so moved and encouraged by the enormity of Judah's supportive community. Just know I'm praying like mad for Judah and for all of you - adding to the healing energy going your way. Thanks for fighting so hard. Much love, Ilene.

At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Thinking of everyone, and sending you all strength, hope, and positive thoughts through this tough period.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Judah,

Glad to hear some better news today. And on top of that the Dodgers didn't lose today. True, they didn't play, but it's an improvement over last weekend. And looks like the same for you too.

Keep your spirits up. You have an amazing network of family and friends who love you.

Jill Franklin

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Judah and White Family,

I'm really glad to hear to news. It was good seeing all of you on Sunday, even if it was just briefly. I had a really nice conversation with Grandpa Abe.

Be strong and I'll talk to you soon.

Mike L.

p.s. -- Tell Judah that I'm getting trade offers left & right for our fantasy baseball team. We're very popular right now.

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What promising doctors' news! We're sending prayers and strength to you, Judah, and to all your beautiful family.
Love from Carolyn Fisher and all of my family

At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi martha
we are back home in rechovot we read the blog and pray for refua shlema.
all the best to all of you avigail

At 5:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The White Family

Michael Lewis keeps us posted on a daily bases. Our prayers are with the enitre family.

Love Sara and Harold Lewis


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