Tuesday, February 28, 2006

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Roses Photographed by Judah July 05 Posted by Picasa


Remembrances. You never know where Judah is going to show up. One time he did n't tell me that he was coming home for Passover, and I walked into the kitchen to see him sitting there ans just smiling at me. He shows up like moments like now, as I write the blog the door in the den is open, rain having soaked the porch left a glass like surface. In this , is a reflection of the orange and red leaves from the coral tree. This is just the composition Judah would photograph. I will sort thru his photos and make an album for every one. (In time!). Sunday, while on a bus tour, a Crime scene bus tour , thanks Richard and Kim, we passed through south central Los Angeles. A red light brought the bus alongside a tire company boldly presenting a large sign proclaiming Judah Tires. Until I just wrote the words I didn't realize the pun here. Judah was always tired and known around the world for his naps. The bus pulled away before I could snap a picture of it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Return from Israel, I had to visit Israel, This was a trip I had promised to Judah as a get well gift. He had always wanted me to visit while he was in school, but, all the other things of life seemed to get in the way. Judah did come home frequently for the holidays, especially Passover, so the excuses that accumulated that precluded a trip were acceptable to us. Life's lessons learned the hard way. My father wanted to accompany me on this trip. He had been to Israel before and wanted to see the country again, and to visit with cousins. The power of family and deep roots can be told. In 1948 my mother's mother knew she had a niece whose children had gone to then Palestine prior to WW11. She did not know the fate of the rest of the family. A letter was sent to #1 Israel, asking if any one knew the where abuts of the two sons. Somehow a letter was sent back with the names of Avraham and Baruch, the sons. Contact was made, Baruch's father in law was a representative for an organization and would make trips to New York to raise money. He then would come to my mother's and aunts house. My cousin Libby went to study in Bar Ilan University and was immediately taken it to the family. I followed in 1959 on a student trip, and again in 64 when I hitchhiked around Europe and Israel for six months. We stayed in Avrum's house in Hadera, were the rich American girls who had to be chauffeured by Avrum's youngest son Eli, who was bribed to take us out. Chana , Avrum's wife would cook and bake and make sure we were well taken care of. Avrum had a car of sorts and introduced me to the Israel method of prayer on a moment to moment basis. Every Israeli drives as if God is on his side and only his side. Baruch is married to Ciporah, Cip for short. Ciporah was a teacher of reknown and determined to prove to my parents that the money spent of Yeshiva education was well spent by only talking to me in Hebrew, Baruch, known as Bruce during the British Brigade, suddenly did not speak any English either. Their children Yael, Gadi and Batia were of course youngsters during my visits and were shy. Visits to their home were filled with talk of art, music, Israel. The years passed, my parents and Aunts and Uncles would visit, Libby would marry Willy in Israel, strong bonds got stronger. Time passed and with it came the death of Eli reclaiming Jerusalem. His brother Helik and sister Ahuva remain. Alissa was named for Eli. More time passed and Gad too was killed in the six day war. Libby returned to the states but would visit Israel frequently, letters continued, and Baruch and Ciporah did come to visit my parents in NY and Seymour and me in CA. My mother and Sylvia her twin passed, but the connection between the families remained. When Judah went to Israel on student trips he was hosted by the family. At Sachler he had a home away from home at Baruch and Ciporah's. By this time Batia was married and had Gal, a beautiful daughter . Judah was very much a family man, he loved to spend some of his precious free time in Haifa with Bruce and Cip, seeing Yael and Batia at Rosh HaShana and Shabbat. In fact at graduation Baruch and Ciporah were there to congratulate him. My father and Baruch toasted each other, and promised that when Baruch turns 100 and my father 94 he will make another trip to Israel. Yael and Batia and I met up again, refreshed our relationship and will do all we can to keep the next generation in touch with each other. Eli, Gadi and Judah were all special young men, lost in their prime with much to give to the world. Their memory must be passed on to the next coming generations. Baruch standing in front of Gadi's portrait with his harm around Ciporah says "Take care of your self, be thankful of every day that is given," Perhaps this is the reason I went to Israel