Sunday, November 30, 2008


Josh, turned 42 today, and honored us with a visit. It was wonderful seeing him. He and Judah go back to second grade.

Mary F, John , Paul, Diane,Mary Jean,and spouses were all together to commemorate Marie, Theresa and Dominic's baby's passing. It was a tender moment, bringing us together again, once more in sadness, but strengthening the bonds of long term friendships. The comfort from friends and family helps keep us afloat in hard times.

I had forwarded an article about Judah, written by Jamie Simon @ for Judah to as many e mail addresses that I had that were current.

Responding to the article was a friend and colleague of Judah's sent a note about Judah's research interests.
" Judah's research interest is in understanding how the mitochondria works and to
develop new drugs that target the mitochondria. At the time, this field was
still in its infancy.
Here's an update on the progress of this field I thought you may find
interesting to read. I know he certainly would. His target population is the
HIV/AIDS patients (not the longevity aspect of the article). I just wanted to
share this with you...another example of how Judah always has a vision for
something great."

using ShareThis.

Judah's research interest is proving most interesting, as stated in the article. He had a wonderful mind, that could grasp great information and make quantum leaps in connections. This is trait he shared with his father.

If any one else has other information about Judah's ideas, dreams, and interest please send me an e mail, or write it on the blog.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bar Mitzvah

Henry's Bar Mitzvah,

Alissa, Benji and I went to a Bar Mitzvah of cousin Henry. Henry did beautifully, he mentioned the history of his name, for his grandfathers on both sides. You can see the lines of character that preceeded him. It gave me pause to think about the sterling qualities that Judah had and that Seymour his father had . Cousins were coming up and reminiscing.

Seymour stories of how he let his younger cousin play with his medical bag. Of how he would make them feel special, giving them of his time and knowledge. Judah was similar in that regard. He loved to share his knowledge, whether it was about a book, baseball, politics. He would connect with every one who came in contact with him. The grounds around the bar mitzvah, were littered with golden, red, russet leaves as it is fall in NYC. Seymour grew up in Connecticut and loved the changing seasons. Judah would have loved to photograph the colors and the textures on the ground.

As the leaves fall and blanket the ground, it was like watching a movie. It was a blanket over the earth to keep it warm and sustained for the winter. We don't have that effect in LA, so I rely on the memories to blanket Judah and Seymour.

Keep sending me stories, keep me informed of what is going on in your lives. This keeps Judah with us just so much longer.

With love,