All Signs Point to...BETTER

Judah walked today again. This time he walked HIMSELF out of the ward and into the rose garden. In the garden he chose to go for a bit of a ride while Mom pushed.
We stopped in front of the synagogue...

Next Thursday is the opening day of the new hospital building and Judah will be transferred. He is really hoping to go home before then, but it will probably be a little too premature. There are several criteria that they check before you can leave, and they include eating and walking. While Judah is walking now, he still hasn't been able to eat. Ironically, the medicine that they gave him to help improve his stomach only comes in pill form. Judah's stomach can't yet tolerate pills. This should be interesting.
Dear Judah,
Hello from your friend from the past.
It’s unfortunate that I’m contacting you at such a difficult time but just wanted you to know I’m thinking about you and sending you my best for a complete recovery.
I don’t know if you heard but I’m living in NYC now and animating for Sesame Workshop on a kid’s TV show (airing next year).
A few weeks ago I worked at a camp in Pennsylvania as the art teacher for the weekend. It reminded me of that weekend at Camp Ramah where we met and hung out in the art room painting stuff.
Living in NY has been really nice. There is always something going on here and it only took a few months to adjust to the lifestyle. I had to become a little more defensive as a pedestrian and had to start referring to tennis shoes as sneakers and a purse as a pocket book but mostly the language is the same :)
I’ve read many of the postings on the site and will keep checking up.
All the best,
Your friend,
Mira Scharf
Glad I checked the blog before we went to bed. Ozomatli rocked but it was no woo, woo, woo.
Glad to see you are more up and about and ready to get out of there. Zoe is having her first overnight at my folks and Stacie and I get to sleep in for the first time in... I guess 8 months. Tomorrow night the gang is coming over for poker (hey we need another player if anybody reads this) and your $40 will be missed actually make that your $60 will be missed.
Take care,
Stacie and David (and Zoe from afar)
Hey Judah,
I can't tell you how wonderful it was to get that phone call from you (even if it was in the middle of Fantastic 4). I know it's still a challenge to muster up energy, but you need to know how incredible it was to hear you sound like your old self! I didn't realize how much I've missed your voice.
You sound... normal! Even though they had you doped up, your old self came through. Keep it up.
Break in the new hospital, by being the first to be brought in, but then the first to walk the hell out of there!
Refuah Shleima. Talk more soon God Willing.
-- Josh
Dear Mr. Judah!
We're so glad to hear of your continued progress. It certainly brought a smile to our faces to see you amongst nature in the lovely rose garden. There is truly nothing more beautiful and peaceful!
Keep the spirit high!
Lots of love, kisses, and coos,
Cheryn, Michael and Baby Bree Serenco
Hi Judah,
Hope you'll be popping wheelchair wheelies out in the rose garden really soon! It'll give those squirrels something to talk about!!!
So happy to hear about your steady progress, and can't wait to hear that you're heading back home :-)!
We missed you at Gaby and Jeffrey's last night!
Big hugs,
Hi Judah--
I don't have daily access to a computer (yes, I know it's 2005 and even some of the homeless people in NYC have wireless laptops), so after being away from the blog for several days it was great to return and see all of your progress! I am so glad that you are venturing outside, walking, and hopefully eating soon.
I am sure grandpa has offered to cook for you. He is always telling me how he is honing his culinary skills and experimenting with various canned foods (he loves to mix canned mushrooms, soups and other nonperishable items with meat to make a mean hamburger). I have never tried his confections, but Anrew tells me they are actually pretty tasty.
Keep up the good work and stay strong!
Love, Karen
Hi Judah,
Sorry I missed out on seeing you yesterday; hope to make up for that this week. I keep tabs from afar through the folks, and now your blog. All signs point to better is one good headline, says this jaded journalist.
Keep strong,
Sharon A.
Hi Judah,
What an amazing site! I love all the photos. Jeremy and I send all of our love and positive energy. You WILL be home soon enjoying the wonderful cheviot air!
Hugs and kisses to you and your family!
Hi Judah,
You look fabuloso in those pictures...glad to see you're out and about. Interesting how you guys ran into Pepe Le Pew..I wonder if the rest of the gang is there too?
Keep up the strong work. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Hope to talk to you soon.
-Cindy C.
Hey Judah,
I am very heartened to see that you are doing better. I think maybe G-d is giving you all of your tzuris up front, to get it out of the way, so that the rest of your 120 years will be only health, happiness and peace (may it be so). Anyway, do you remember Doug Finer from law school? He's coming into town for a few days this week, and I'm planning to get together with him one night for dinner. (That's right everybody - Judah's a closet lawyer.) I hope you don't mind that I outed you like that in such an unfair way. Anyway, I'm sure your friends and loved ones will not think any less of you. Onward and upwards, Judah. I hope to see you soon.
Hi Judah,
Haven't written for a while. We've been busy with Audrey's birthday. She invited a group of her girlfriends and decided to hire a chef to demonstrate and cook and then we had a wonderful meal. By now, Audrey, Erika and I are pros and expert cooks. We can make ourselves available to prepare a sumptuous meal for you whenever you give the go-ahead.
Hope that you are comfortable in your new digs,
Love, Libby (the new Julia Child of Guttenberg!)
Hi Judah-
By the time we both finish reading your updates and the love and wishes of what seems like at least 10,000 friends, we're exhausted and don't know what else there is to say. Everytime I think I've seen all the names, a new person pops up.
We think of you and pray for you daily. Yesterday, Bill Cutter and another friend of the Kukoffs came to services at our new synagogue building. I had never met him. When it came to the Mi Shebeyrach and I said your name, I saw him start and look to Lydia and ask "Who is she?" So, I met him afterwards and he sends his love to you and the family.
We are in the midst of the busy summer season here in the Berkshires. It's beautiful, as always, and we look forward to sharing it with you once again.
Keep up the positive strides and feel better every day.
Janet and George
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