Terrible Twos

This was quite a sight. Dr. Les Eber came by today just after Judah was given a medicine that the nurse promised would make him energized enough to walk around the block and clean up his room. Judah, ever stronger than any medicine that man can create, promptly fell into a deep nap. Must've been the threat of cleaning his room that did it. Les sat down and fell off into one of his trademark naps while I snoozed in the corner. Three men sleeping like babies.
Judah promised to go for a walk today, so he roused Les and got ready to go. It's a production. He has to push his IV pole with him, find his robe, unplug things etc. Just as we opened his bedroom door, his floormate Peter strolled by with his IV pole. Peter is a great chearleader. He keeps telling Judah that walking is the most rapid way to recovery. So, he took Judah for a walk around the ward. Not once, but twice. This is really cool.
Peter is the guy on the right.

Judah gave Dr. Eber an impromptu master class on Graft Vs. Host disease (GVH). GVH differs from "rejection" in that it is the transplant that is rejecting HIM, not the other way around (as in an organ donation when the body rejects the transplant). It's sort of like the tail wagging the dog. Judah has shown the first signs of GVH according to the endoscopy. His biopsy showed that his inflammation is due to GVH and they are able to treat it. Even though he doesn't agree, I think this is good news, as it shows that the graft is taking hold.
Next week, Judah will be transferred to the new hospital building here. He will be one of the first patients to make use of the new facility. He is hoping, however, that he will be home before the new hospital opens.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Shabbat Shalom from the Encino flats. Wish we were there for both the nap and the walk. Zoe is going to swimming tomorrow and we are going on a date night to the Justice Ball. We are celebrating Stacie's birthday (a month late) as she rejected her birthday in Vegas. My guess on the photo was its a peephole into Judah where he saying "pull my finger."
Hopefully I will be talking to you soon,
Hi Judah,
I want to be part of your walking party too....
Well, the thunderstorm has finally passed and today is clear and sunny. I have to say that there's some pretty funky weather over here...one minute it's sunny and the next it'll be pouring like you won't believe...a little bipolar, don't you think? You know, I have some spies working at COH telling me your every move so I better not be hearing that you and Peter are having too much fun cruising the floors. :-)
I'm planning a visit back soon so hopefully I'll get to come visit you. In the meantime, keep sending them pics. -- Cindy C.
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