Tuesday Morning
Judah has been running high blood pressure for more than the last hour. His pressure reads around 180/80. We're waiting for Dr. Forman to come in and make his rounds. Hopefully we'll know how Judah is doing after we talk to him.
This is a place for friends and family to read about Judah's progress with cancer therapies for Hodgkin's Lymphoma. We can't always get to the phone, but we do get your messages and are comforted by your support and good wishes.
Dear Ben -
You write really well. Just a few short sentences and I could envision you hiding while the Pastor sang.
But then, I tried to imagine a 6'5" tall elf trying to hide behind a table lamp and it just doesn't fly.
As to Judah's high blood pressure - he is on so much powerful medication that it is no wonder that his system undergoes wide swings.
Does everyone know what meds he is on before prescribing another? Have all the meds which should have been ceased, in fact, been stopped?
Hang tough everybody.
Love, Uncle Robby
that was a really nice story benji. thanks for sharing it with us. i'll keep checking today to see what news you have for us. judah has all kinds of people praying on his behalf. love,tamar
Judah dear,
I hope that while you sleep, you are comforted by a blanket of the warmth, love & prayers that we all have for you. Keep it wrapped around you. Keep fighting.
Aunt Marsha
Hi Family,
I will try to come out to see you all today. I am on a deadline so I don't know if I can escape from work.
My prayers and thoughts are with you all day.
love always,
Your story reminds me that every great song has a prayer in it -- for love, for companionship, for health, for peace, for joy, may all of these come to Judah and all the White family.
Dear Judah, Martha, Issie, Benji,
Just wanted you to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers, especially you Judah!!
Stay strong and let us know if we can do anything
Lynn & Sheree
With your astonishingly strong and loving family, they should be able to BEAT your blood pressure down. Let 'em at it!
Love to Judah and his family football team, we will be joyous together very soon.
To Martha, Benjie, and Allisa,
Many thanks for your input on this blog. We can all "be" with you. So keep it up, we are thinking of you, praying for you, and expecting good things. Fou us, so far away, it's been so good to be able to stay in touch. We are aways thinking of you and hoping for good news.
Cousins Dottie & Howard
Dear White Family -
Thank you for your strength and quick updates to this blog. I'm now checking this more than EBay, which now doubt has left my employers's IT people confused. Thanks so much for being there for Judah. It is inspiring to see that such a very special person is surrounded by so much love. I'm sorry to be so far away, but am watching and praying (or something that is remarkably close to praying).
Benj, let me add my thanks to you for creating and faithfully updating this blog, under all conditions, and allowing your scattered loved ones to stay connected to you, Martha, Issy and Judah during this profound journey.
Having been offline since Friday morning, reading your account of the last four days sent me into a state of emotional fast forward in which I'm still looking for the brakes. For you guys, of course, there are no brakes--just the hope that the direction is the right one, more often than not.
All of you are in our thoughts, our hearts, and our prayers.
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