We're awake and with Judah now. His oxygenation is very poor, now at 82. Mom is reading prayers at his side, Iss is holding his hand. We read Vidui and we've asked him for forgiveness on behalf of ourselves, and our friends.
We know that soon he will be with Dad.
Be strong Judah...keep fighting my friend, my buddy. Love, Cindy C.
We are with all of you at this most difficult time with love, with prayers, with hope, with awe and admiration.
Judah, keep fighting...miracles do happen. Suz
Judah - We love you. And as we hold each other tight we are with you and your family. There are no words to descibe our pain and sorrow for what you have battled...
- David , Stacie and Zoe.
Dear White Family -
Thinking of your strength and courage and love and then thinking of what a wonderful, thoughtful and funny person Judah is, well I'm not quite sure what to say. I guess just that this breaks my heart. Thank you for being there for him ...
Judah, I'm with you and your family...praying, hoping, fighting.... -Cindy C.
Dear Judah -
No more pain. No more suffering.
You have fought a magnificient fight and had it been anything close to a fair fight, you would have won.
I am so sorry that things did not turn out better.
I love you and will miss you and look forward to seeing you again in the afterlife.
Love, Uncle Robby
Judah -
I'll say it again - I love you. You've been fighting a really good fight and I'm so proud of you. My heart breaks knowing that you may never get to meet this little girl I'm carrying. I was so excited for you to meet her. I just pray that she'll have your strength, humor, courage, unyielding love and passion. Rest easy now friend.
Mara B
Dear Dr. White, honey,
Today as everyday in the past two months I have you in my mind, saying prayers, looking at your thumbs up picture, and remembering all I can about you. And there are so many wonderful things to remember and hold dear. Rest now, rest easy, know how closely I hold you. Mrs. C.
Dear MarthaWhite, Alissa, and Benji, I have a breaking heart for Judah and for all that your family has faced with dignity and perseverence for the last . . . longer than anyone should have to bear. I hope you know how Ralph and I, Rina and Abigail stand behind you in your vigil. Your loss will be unsharable, and for now unbearable. It is hard to comfort you with words, that seem so futile. Our love for Judah and our love for all of you is deep, and we too feel unable to be consoled.
Ralph and Martha (aka Mrs. C. to Judah aka Dr. White, honey)
no words to say .... we love you
avigail and yehuda
My grandfather always told us that only Tsadikim leave us on Friday. Judah Daniel is a Tsadik.
I love you all. Rachel
All our love and prayers,
The Spira-Cushnirs
I don't know how to express what I feel right now. Please know that my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers are with you all.
David S.
Dear White Family,
You have never met me, as I met Judah at Lafayette. I want to let you know, however, how much I have admired your courage, strength, dignity and honesty since David told me about Judah's battle and turned me into a regular reader. Please know that wherever Judah's journey may lead, you will not be alone. The posts on this site make it clear that there are many who will be beside Judah and all of you.
Bruce Covahey
P.S. Having lived with David for two years, I am also not surprised that he has not found his Del Amitri CD.
Judah and the entire White family,
We are in awe of your courage and strength. We love you and send you our prayers.
Michael, Beth and Sam Woznica "The Wozs"
Dear White Family:
I have thought constantly through Judah's illness that he is so fortunate to be surrounded by an incredibly strong and caring family and to have so many people who love and have supported him.
I am sorry that I will not have the opportunity to know him better.
My thoughts are with you.
Dear Judah,
You've been such an inspiration in the way you've fought this impossibly difficult battle.
I've always felt honored to be your friend and you will always continue to inspire me. My prayers and my family's prayers are with you and your family.
G-d bless you.
Mike (mickey)
Judah, know that you are loved from long ago through the present. You have always been such a wonderful, patient and tolerant person and others have grown from knowing you. I hope for a miracle for you, but also hope that all they say is true about the afterlife. Again, it is you who leads the way for us all.
My heart breaks for you and your family and for myself and our friends who grew up with you.
Love Gina
i love you
Judah and The Whites: We crossed Lake Champlain this morning - the skies are clear, the sun is perfect, and the breeze is strong and even. We pray that you take comfort in this picture and your own memories of days just like these. Judah - our friend - may you have smooth sailing. We will miss you. Love, The Darcys - Alex, Yuko, Eriko, Kimiko, Cornelius, Eleanor, Kip and Andrew
Dear martha and kids,
just before shabbat, at twilight,
between kodesh and chol, we think of you hold you and hug you.
you have all tought us a lesson of strength, love and life.
our hearts are with you.
shabbat shalom
tova david and shula who is here with us.
Dear Judah and the White Family,
Please know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We are hoping for a miracle.
You are an amazing family and we're sure that Judah feels your presence beside him.
Barbra, Pam, Mike, Adam, Audrey and Hannah (David's cousins)
Judah, we had our first "argument" the day we met 5 years ago this month when we were bus buddies on the way to Beit Tshuvah. Judah, you are a fighter and it just does not seem fair that this is a fight you do not get to win. I know you are taking this fight to the limit and it is so hard to accept you of all people having to back down. There will be an empty space in a lot of places and lives where you belong that can't ever be filled. All our love to you, Martha, Benji & Issy. - Deb & Michael
Dear Judah and White Family,
It breaks our hearts to know what you are all going through right now. We are all with you with love and prayers and still hoping for a reversal.
Love Ruth and Neil Miller and family
We are standing with you in our thoughts and prayers.
Maggie, Russ, and Joe
Judah, your courage in facing this have been inspiring, as has the strength of your family. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you now.
Dear Martha, Benji and Issy
We are with all of you at Judah's bedside on this day we prayed would never come.
Your dignity and courage as well as your vigilant support of Judah's wishes are an inspiration to us all.
My eyes are flooded with tears as I send our love to you
Stella and Les
My thoughts and love go to you all, and to Judah.
Lindsay Stricke
Love surrounds you all, eventhough hearts are broken.
You are in my prayers.
~nicole f.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I love you.
No words can express...
Love and prayers,
Beverly Oliver
Dear Martha, Issy and Benji,
It is so very difficult to find the right words to express our sorrow for what you have been through. Be strong and satisfied that you did all you could. You are lucky to have such caring friends and family for support.
Dottie and Howard
Dear Martha, Issy and Benji,
It is so very difficult to find the right words to express our sorrow for what you have been through. Be strong and satisfied that you did all you could. You are lucky to have such caring friends and family for support.
Dottie and Howard
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