Ten Weeks

Judah's name is being worn by his cousin Audrey as she is participating in a 100 mile bike ride to raise funds and awareness for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Dave Nemetz is spear heading a steering committee for Project Yehudah (Project Yehuda.com). Our goal is to add as many people as possible to the stem cell donor registry. Judah was touched by the response to find a match for him. He would want every one to have the opportunity to have a good match if they should ever need it. We will be working with the City of Hope and the Gift of Life organization to test and register potential donors. As we are just forming this task force we welcome any one who wishes to participate.
Dave and I can be reached at ccjsla@aol.com
I love getting responses from old and new friends. I cry, I laugh, I treasure each one. I have a note from Judah written the week before he was intubated. He was too weak to talk, but he wanted to tell me not to cry. Its hard to adhere to his wish so I just cry a little , wipe my tears and re read your blogs.
Shabbat Shalom

Thanks for keeping his memory vibrantly alive for all of us via this blogspot, Martha - we hope Theresa will be in town this weekend and I know she'd love to see you all.
We're also having a raucous poker party next Wednesday Nov 23(Benji - you are invited - but be warned -the Holland wolves will be there! Casey's downtown at 9:00) and Judah will be greatly missed.
- much love, Paul f. & family
Hi Martha, Issy and Benji,
I just returned from Tucson where on Saturday at around 4PM, I completed the 109 mile Tour de Tucson bike race (with Judah's name on my wrist, written across my jersey and most importantly in my thoughts and heart) to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society with Team in Training. Photos to follow soon.
To date, I have raised $5,957. It's not over yet as I have until January fundraise and am going for $7,020 (39 X 10 X 18).
There were over 700 Team in Training riders and together we have raised over $2 million. Each mile we rode was worth $23,000. It was inspiring and moving to see them all on the rode (as I passed them!!) with their Team in Training jerseys and names and photos of their honories plastered across their backs.
It was an incredible and moving day, an accomplishment I'm very proud of both for it's physical challenge and for the cause I raised money for. Most important, though, I was humbled to ride for Judah and saddened to have to. Hopefully, because of these events, less families will have to lose sons, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, nieces and best friends to blood cancers.
Love you all.
Happy Thanksgiving you guys. Looking forward to hearing about it and seeing pictures. We'll miss you at Marsha and Robbie's.
As I give thanks for the many blessings that have enriched my days, I give special thanks for Judah's friendship and for his solid presence of integrity, passion, decency and generousity of spirit. His memory is an inspiration as well as a blessing.
And I give thanks for the blessing that your friendship has been in our lives, Martha, Benji and Issy.
Much love, Paul & Family
Hi Martha;
Thinking of you a lot.I want to help but don't know how.Call me whenever you feel like talking.
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