Saturday is a difficult day, Seymour died 6 pm on a Saturday , Judah died on Saturday morning. Among the many things I miss about Judah and Seymour is the sound of their voices. Memory is funny, I can conjure an image of them at various times in their lives, I can reconstruct their smells, I can some times feel their presence, but I can't really recall the sound and the cadences of their voices.
Fortunately we live in a time that allows us to capture reasonable facsimile's of sound. Judah called me on the answering machine. July 25th to wish me Happy Birthday, July 23rd a call to Issi , her birthday, and the last one a few days later checking on me to see if I got home safely. I finally copied this onto a tape recorder.
There are still messages on my cell phone to be recorded, and his cell phone messages are still unplayed.
Judah's friend Peter is back at the City of Hope with complications of graft versus host issues. Peter received his stem cell transplant a month prior to Judah. He would walk down the hall, with all his iv's in tow, stop at Judah's door and invite him to sprint around the nurses station. He would encourage Judah and even through his mask his big smile came through. Melli, Peter's mom was my first supporter during this process, and introduced me to other mothers on the floor. We would compare notes, hug each other, and offer prayers for each others children. There are no atheist in the City of Hope.
Project Yehuda, will get going. I've calls to the City of Hope personnel and to the Gift of Life teams. As soon as details are firm I will let you know . Meantime you can log on to project
All who knew them continue to love them and miss their laughs, their smiles, their voice, their jokes, their love, and their beautiful spirits. All of these seem less tangible now but they are not. Memory is a wonderful bridge to the gifts Seymour and Judah left behind...and yet, I believe Judah and Seymour are now closer to us then we are presently able to understand. For they now understand most fully, how well we shall know them on the other side. I think I better understand the term, "they are at peace now". I believe it means that Judah and Seymour are at peace because they are with God and now realize the highest most comprehensive truth...whereas we can only perceive that which the strength of our faith allows us...they no longer need faith, for they are in the presence of God...and are at peace with the truth that soon...we shall all of us, once again, be united. I know that Judah would appreciate this quote from Lord of the Rings, The Return of the King...for even though it was born of the world of fantasy, Judah would appreciate its parallel truth..."End?, the journey doesn't end here...death is just another we all must take...when the grey rain curtain of this world rolls back...all turns to silver and glass...and then you see it..."what Gandalf, see what?"...white shores and beyond... the far green country, and a swift sunrise."
Judah and Seymour are in the far green country...God willing we shall be worthy to join them some day.
Hello Dear Whites,
I just arrived back yesterday from NYC. Regards and love from my sis and aunt. I lit a candle for Seymour on the anniversary of his passing. Will see you soon.
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