Fluid on the Lungs Markedly Diminished
WBC = 3400. Doctor says he can now walk outside with a mask. He hasn't gone yet due to nausea. He's lost a bit of weight, a good thing, and the fluid on the lungs has "markedly diminished."
Grandpa is here, interviewing Judah about the nausea. "What comes up? Bile?" "Yes bile, saliva, a thick phlegm. An unpleasant experience."
"Poor Judah," Grandpas says, "You got no sex, no booze. You can't eat. Should I send you some pornographic magazines?"
Grandpa continues talking about sex and morality and inhibitions. He wishes he had been less inhibited. Now he's talking about Dali, Renoir and Modigliani. Judah's drifting off to sleep.
Zoe Nemitz is smiling from the bulletin board. Nurses on duty are Julie and Pinky.
Hilda came by the house with spaghetti and meatballs.
Now grandpa is talking about airplane food and the service on Jet Blue. He wishes he had some gin.
Does someone know Dean? Please forward this link to him. He's called but I don't have his number.